Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Back pain can have a terrible condition to live with it, especially when nothing seems to be on the discharge. The cause of back pain is often very difficult to diagnose and it can take months to find, or even years to complete relief. The first step in treating your back pain is to diagnose the cause for it.
In general, back pain occurs in two areas, either upper or lower back pain. Many diseases can cause pain in the upper or lower back, including injuries such asContusion of the soft tissue, muscle pulls, muscle spasms, muscle stiffness, strains or watery eyes, muscle tension, pinched nerves, sprains, strains or torn ligaments. When such injuries occur, it is important to consult a doctor to make a plan for proper treatment.
Other conditions or disorders are thus facilitates the diagnosis by the fact that they tend to cause pain in certain areas of the back. Sciatica and sacroiliac joint dysfunction tend to cause painin the lower back and hip. Piriformis syndrome causes pain in the buttocks area. Associated with pregnancy back pain usually occurs in middle to lower back.
If your doctor is causing your back pain, diagnosed the two of you can work together to develop a treatment plan. Chiropractic treatment is also used by many insurance companies these days, and can be extremely helpful in repairing the damage that has occurred over a period of several years, and can take many months for treatment in effect.
WhenYou try to find the cause of your back pain, the patience is a must. Causes of back pain are often difficult to find, but once the cause is known, your doctor may treat you begin to give you some relief.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
How to get rid of comes from external hemorrhoids, is the main objective of those who have them.
Hemorrhoids are mainly presses on the toilet. Constipation, diarrhea, and prolonged sitting or standing position, exercise the same effect - more pressure on the anus. To avoid this should be our priority.
To make it even more interesting, in different types of hemorrhoids.
The symptoms vary between the different types. An external hemorrhoids is the hand, because the swollen veins grows along the analOpening. It may look like grapes, or may be strange, as if your colon is coming out.
The symptoms can be disturbing, so methods to get rid of piles to be asked.
A feeling of something stuck in your anus and incomplete bowel movements are among the most dreaded sign. Your anus as stool would sense what you want to do more to aggravate them from the situation so much more!
If you are used to fatty foods like burgers and pizza, then now isthe time to pick them up, and go instead of high fiber.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best sources of fiber. After fiber is our best friend. It provides bulk in the stool, so they pass easily. In the same way, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day also lubricates and make stool. However, fiber and water are not enough, you will need to mobilize your body every day through exercise in order to have regular bowel movements.
To get rid of external hemorrhoids is simple. AllYou need to do is improve your diet and lifestyle. Practice of these therapies can work every day, but it can be hard to stick with it.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The biggest factor in back and hip pain of the psoas muscle. The number of problems caused by the psoas is quite astonishing. These include: lower back pain, ISG pain, sciatica, disc problems, spondylolysis, scoliosis, hip degeneration, knee pain, menstrual disorders, infertility and digestive problems. The list can also biomechanical problems like pelvic tilt, leg length discrepancies, kyphosis and lumbar lordosis.
What is the psoas?
The psoas (pronounced:"so - oz") primarily flexes the hip and spine. At about 16 inches long on the average, it is one of the largest and strongest muscles of the body (in animals is to be known) fillets. This powerful muscle runs down the bottom center of the spine, starting with the 12th Thoracic vertebrae connecting to all the vertebrae basket, discs and transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae down across the pelvis on the inside of the leg at the tip of the trochanter. The lowerPart is combined with fibers from the iliacus muscle that sits inside the surface of the pelvis and sacrum, to the iliopsoas muscle as it curves over the pubic bone and inserts on the trochanter.
What is the function of the psoas?
This has a number of diverse functions make it an important factor for health. The psoas muscle as the hip and thigh flexor is the largest walking muscle. When the legs are stationary, the effect of it is stabilized around a bend the spine forward, if it sits andAssets of the fuselage. The lower psoas brings the lumbar vertebrae forward and downward to create pelvic tilt.
When we think of smooth, elegant and graceful movement in dancers and athletes, we are looking at the psoas functioning at it optimum. It requires that the psoas the pelvis in a dynamically neutral orientation that can be easily maintained and structural integrity maintained. This leads to positions of the spine that require the least muscular effort.
What are the most common painSymptoms of the psoas?
When the muscles contracted due to injuries, poor posture, prolonged sitting, or stress, it can alter the biomechanics of the pelvis and the lumbar, thoracic and even cervical vertebrae. Typically, for a dysfunctional radiating pain down the front of the thigh and vertically along the lower to middle responsible spine. Trigger points are found on the path of the psoas on the abdomen. Quadratus lumborum trigger points often develop asas well as the piriformis, glutes, thighs, and back extensors.
It can be your spine to the right or left, pull it forward torque and rotate the pelvis in various distortions. Frequently shorten a psoas and pull the spine and / or pelvis, our dominant side. The distortions of the spine and pelvis can also show up as a short or long legs. This all leads to scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, trigger points, and resist attempts spasms in the back muscles to the pulling of the psoas.
Itcan pull the spine downward, compressing the facet joints and intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine. The pressure can cause the discs degenerate, becoming thinner and less flexible. This degeneration makes the discs more susceptible to bulging or tearing, especially with twisting and bending movements.
What keeps the psoas in contraction?
The psoas will stay contracted because of postural habits and trauma. Go The way we stand, and sit can distort the psoas. When we walkor stand with our chin in an overly the position of the muscle tighten. Shortened sitting through much of the day to us biomechanically balanced in our chairs. Over time, we develop a "normal" mode of operation of the psoas that is dysfunctional.
Unresolved trauma can keep psoas short and reactive. This is a primary muscle flight, fight, freeze or fear responses to danger. If survival is at stake, it pushes the body hit the ground running. If startled, it ignitesPreparation of the extensor muscles to reach), touch (or run. Until the psoas is released, the muscle can remain closed and go into further shortening and spasm very easily.
Friday, January 22, 2010
The One-Legged King Pigeon Posture - (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
"Eka" a "Pada" means foot, "Raja" is king, and "Kapota means" dove. In this posture, the chest thrust forward like a dove, thus given the name.
The dove is an excellent advanced back bending posture in its complete form, from them much flexibility in the entire length of the spine and the hips and shoulders. This intense backbend should only be attempted byvery experienced practitioners.
A preliminary version of the Pigeon posture can comfortably by almost all who are healthy knees done. Moving into the preparation of this attitude that the simple pigeon deeply works the hips and helps relieve tension in this region of the body. It requires holding steady balance while curving backward.
The One-Legged King Pigeon attitude affects the entire body as it strengthens, stretches and tones the spine, the nerves around the promotion ofSpine.
It stretches the thighs, the muscles of the groin and hips, abdomen, shoulders and neck. It stretches the chest and rib cage.
The Pigeon posture stimulates the glands and internal organs.
Having practiced this wonderful but very difficult to One-Legged King Pigeon attitude, we feel the sense of achievement. This attitude gives the doctor a lot of advantages, but there are some health conditions in which this attitude should not beattempted.
Three important reasons not to do the dove posture:
Not 1) In the event of a breach of this attitude do sacroiliac practice.
(The term refers to the ISG area of a small joint that lies at the junction of the sacrum), a part of the spine and the ilium, a part of the basin.
2) If you have injured ankle or knee to avoid this attitude.
3) Current or chronic back injury is a contraindication for this position.
Caution: Always check withTell your doctor if you have any doubts or concerns regarding the suitability of this posture for you. It is best for the implementation of the yoga position, in the presence of a qualified yoga teacher.
Issued in the interest of people practicing Hatha Yoga by Subodh Gupta, Yoga Expert based in London.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Low back pain occurs in almost everyone at some point or another. Both men and women are affected. This occurs most often between ages 30 and 50 years. This is partly due to the aging process and as a result of sedentary lifestyles with too little exercise. Lower back pain can also occur from overexertion or too much exercise. Back pain associated with disc disease or spinal degeneration increases with age.
Pre-teen children have a low incidence of lowBack pain unrelated to injury or other known cause. A backpack overloaded with schoolbooks and supplies back and can cause muscle fatigue pre-teen children's self-incrimination. It is estimated that treated more than 13,260 violations of backpacks agents at doctors' offices, clinics and emergency rooms each year.
Children and pre-teens can avoid back strain by:
• Bend both knees when lifting heavy packs
• facilitate visit their locker or desk between classes toExpense to replace or pounds
• Purchase a backpack or airline tote on wheels
Diseases and health problems, low back pain are linked:
• Pralle-disc (or protruding, herniated disk or torn disc). Studies show that most herniated discs occur in the lower part of the lumbar spine.
• Cauda equine syndrome: A serious complication of a ruptured disc. Cause permanent neurological damage if not treated.
• Sciatica: A herniated diskor torn disc presses on the sciatic nerve and causes shock-like or burning pain in my lower back pain through the buttocks and down one leg below the knee, sometimes to toe. In severe cases, and if the nerves between the disc and an adjacent bone wedged symptoms are numbness and pain, but a loss of motor control over the leg. This condition can be caused by a tumor, cyst, metastatic disease or degeneration of the sciatic nerveRoot.
• Spinal degeneration: From CD wear and tear can lead to a narrowing of the spinal canal. The symptoms may be stiffness in the back upon awakening or pain after walking or standing for a long time.
• Spinal stenosis: is connected to a congenital narrowing of the bony canal and might make some people who have moved into the pain disc disease.
• Osteoporosis: A bone disease through the progressive decrease in bone density and strength detected.Cause breakage of brittle, porous bones in the spine and hips can. Women are four times more likely than men to develop osteoporosis. Caucasian women of northern European heritage are at highest risk.
• Skeletal irregularities: Produce strain on the spine and supporting muscles, tendons, ligaments and tissues of the spine supported. Irregularities include scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis.
• Fibromyalgia: Chronic illness characterized by widespreadMusculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points in neck, back, shoulders and hips. Other possible symptoms include sleep disturbances, morning stiffness and anxiety.
• Spondylitis: Chronic back pain and stiffness by a severe infection or inflammation of the facet joints causes.
• sacroiliitis: inflammation in the sacroiliac joint
• osteomyelitis, an infection in the bones of the spine
Source: National Institute ofNeurological Disorders and Stroke
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All health concerns should be treated by a qualified physician.
This article is free to publish with the resource box.
© 2007 Connie Limon All Rights Reserved
Friday, January 15, 2010
The importance of using the correct modifiers:
1. The doctor performed several procedures
2. The procedure was carried out bilateral
3. The E / M service was made on the same day of the procedure
4. The procedure was increased or decreased
5. The procedure is both professional and technical component
6. The method has been through other providers (anesthesiologist, surgeon, physiotherapist, speech therapists, etc.) carried out
7. Applied either on one sidethe body was carried out
8. The E / M service was in the postoperative period as specified in
9. The E / M service resulted in the decision of Surgery
10. Exceptional Circumstance
Maximize your reimbursement for bilateral procedures using the correct modifier.
Bilateral Modifier (-50)
Should be paid depending on the insurance payer, processing of applications with the bilateral procedure 150%
Medicare Part B requires a single line of bilateral procedure code with Modifier 50thThey usually handle the claim with 150% refund. But even here you have this check in your country and your region.
Some commercial insurance would prefer two lines of the same code, once with 50, without 50 seconds. Then second modifier followed by 1 Line RT or LT, modifier RT or LT second row with 1 unit of service each code. Must be reimbursed at 150%
Some commercial insurance would prefer two lines of the same code with modifier LT or RT on each line, with 1 unitEach code-of-service. Must be reimbursed at 150%
Always check on your Physician's Fee Schedule, if the procedure code, as bilateral J. billable
With LT and RT modifier is used, was on which side of the body of the procedure would be done by the doctor. Medicare Part B based on my experience, requires specific modifier, either LT or RT. For example, you can process 64,626 on the right C4-C7 facet joint nerve ablation done than 64,626 RT-report.
Modifier -26. ProfessionalComponents.
Example: Report procedure code 77,003 - BV-orientation and localization of needle or catheter tip for spine or paraspinal diagnostic or therapeutic injection (procedure epidural, transforaminal epidural, subarachnoid, paravertebral facet joint, paravertebral facet joint nerve or sacroiliac joint) including neurolytic agent destruction) with modifier -26 To view the doctors professional component and not just the reimbursementtechnical component. If the provider's office owns the fluoroscopic equipment, do not append modifier -26.
Modifier -25. Significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service by the Same Physician on the same day of the procedure or for other services.
Example done: report E / M code 99213 (Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient) with Modifier -25 for procedure code 20,610 knee injections on the same daythe procedure. Modifier -25 indicates importance and done a separate identifiable E / M service outside the procedure for the patient. DO NOT use modifier -25 to report E / M service, which for the initial decision for an operation to follow.
Instead, use modifier -57 for the decision for surgery
Modifier -24. Independent evaluation and management service by the same physician during the postoperative period
Example: Report E / M code with 99,213 modifier -24, when the patient arrived at thepostoperative period. The physician must identify this service as a fully independent with the previous procedures done for the patient. A detailed medical documentation is a good support for the medical necessity.
-51 Modifier for multiple procedures.
Modifier -59 for Distinct Procedural Service
Modifier-GP Services in Outpatient physical therapy plan of care Rendered
Modifier-GO Services on outpatient occupational therapy plan of care Rendered
Modifier-GNBenefits under Outpatient Speech Pathology plan of care
Always check up to date CPT Book. Check CMS CCI edits. Check the insurance payor policies and guidelines.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Have you started on your softball? play (the kind used for softball, or better yet, go to a pet store and get a "Jumball that looks" like a big tennis ball and the size is) of a softball.
Now come on, if you do not have! The ex-ball is the most effective tool I know for releasing the tension in the stomach. It releases tension in the abdominal muscles such as rectus abdominis and the obliques, as well as releasing tension in the Fas-web support of the institutions and publicationsTension in the colon and the organs themselves, thus promoting organ health. Perhaps the most important publication of the work in this area happens to the psoas muscles, which tie your spine, chest (diaphragm), pelvis and legs together and the muscles primarily responsible regard for the upright posture and movement the most.
What you may not know that this practice lie on a sphere, as this also help to relieve pain in the lower back. If you suffer from lower back pain andThese include sacroiliac joint pain, then be on the ball until you are consistently on the ball anywhere in the area between the ribs and pelvis and experience no pain, even when breathing.
The practice is as follows ...
Lying on the floor with the ball in your belly and your hands with the palms up the ball between the thumb and forefinger. This allows you to take some of your weight on your forearms, until you can relax down on the ball. Find a place where itlittle or no pain and work from there.
If one spot and not the release is too painful, not stay stuck, just the ball around a slow trip, a spot at a time over the entire area between the ribs and pelvis. Gradually, you will find all the pain in this area and remove the results are a sharp lot. Breathing becomes easier and fuller, tensions throughout the body is reduced, you will be feeling a lightness of experience and the pain in thediminishing returns as the pain in the front decreases. There are two sides of one coin.
Through this work, you can emotional losses of varying degrees of experience as this area is stagnant, the seat of emotions, linked with the breath, and the solar plexus. Do not be discouraged if it feels like hell, because it is more likely to be happy you now have a means to ensure that stress and strain have your own address, your own pace. Go slow and be patient with themselvesRemember, you are not forced to let go of something, you are relaxing and solve your pain and tension, with your knowledge and your breath. If you are not breathing, exhaling with full relaxation, you will not be to you after the release.
I recommend at least 10 minutes per day (on an empty stomach) until you are pain free and then make sure to check it out periodically in order, (the entire area stays clear no tension), no pain.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
There are many causes of neck pain, back pain, sciatica and nerve pain or sciatica in adults and children. We discussed back strains and sprains in a previous article and are now discussing other serious illnesses and their symptoms. The conditions are herniated disc intervertebral disc (IVD), cervical radiculopathy and spondylolithesis, sometimes with spondylolysis. The spine itself is made from 33 bones as vertebrae and extends from the skull to the pelvis. The neck orCervical vertebrae are formed Seven bones articulate with the atlas (come into contact) with the skull, vertebrae span the region from the seventh cervical vertebra of the lumbar vertebrae are the first of five large, in rare cases together six sturdy vertebrae at the base of the spine. The sacrum, which sits often referred to as the tailbone at the base of the spine, together with the coccyx (the tailbone true), and is also part of the basin, bringing togetherthe two halves of the sacroiliac joints. We are the division of SIG and the associated symptoms in a later article. Between each two vertebrae, there is a disc and disc, or IVD, which consists of cartilage and a jelly-like center, not unlike a jelly donut. The IVD is used not only as a shock absorber for the spine, but the whole body. If something happens to this support system, this shock absorber, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, and evenNerve pain, sciatica, usually takes place.
As already mentioned, and in a previous article, there are many causes of neck pain, back pain and sciatica. We have been experiencing back pain and sciatica as a result of the tensions and treat back sprains, we are now dealing with the symptoms of herniated discs (IVD), cervical radiculopathy, and spondylolisthesis. The region of the spine due to trauma and / or herniated discs affected is usually dictate what kind of symptoms, the neck and back pain sufferer. Experience If the cause of the pain is centered in the neck area, we often experience what is commonly referred to as "pain in the neck" means. Cervical pain may also affect the shoulder and arm, into his own hands, with pain, tingling and numbness. The BWS symptoms are usually difficult to grasp are. Symptoms in this area can be used as a stiffness, chest pain, back pain radiating laterally be expressed and / or even the feeling that you're back has broken ". InLumbar region, usually the most affected by disc herniation and spondylolisthesis (L5 most of all), then back pain can either be localized in the lower back, often above the iliac crest or hip bright, or it can be in pain over the buttocks Express radiates to one or both legs. Generally this is) on the nerve roots pressure for a variety of reasons, which ruptured discs, bulging discs, stenosis include (constriction of the nerve canals, and is referred to as sciatic nerve painor sciatica.
In the cervical spine, cervical radiculopathy is one of the main causes of neck pain. The condition can be caused by anything from a broken pane of the normal degenerative changes in the discs, as we age. Age-progressive deterioration is a consequence of aging, discussed particularly in relation to the secondary curvature of the spine, the cervical and lumbar spine (in a previous article). Once again, the primary symptom is pain that radiates from the neck to theShoulders and arms, also affect the breast in some people. It is not uncommon to deafness and even a tingling in the hands and fingers, something like your hand fall asleep. Treatments for cervical radiculopathy can be anti-inflammatory drugs (eg ibuprofen), corticosteroid injections, ice and physical therapy. Since the cervical spine is so important, not only in relation to the movement, but also for regulating basic body functions, it is important to see froma doctor if the pain was still more than 24 to 48 hours. The only way to diagnose this condition is determined by X-ray, MRI and / or computed tomography. Delaying medical treatment it can lead to serious and permanent damage.
Spondylolysis can be caused by many things and usually affects the lumbar spine. The vortices are most exposed L4 and L5, at the base of the spine, but also other regions of the spine may also be affected. Some of the clauses for spondylolisthesis are trauma,usually either a stress fracture or impact due to a sports injury in adolescents and sometimes adults. In addition, the vertebrae break as a result of infection or disease. Spondylolisthesis may coexist with a specific condition or spondylolysis, a defect predisposing to vertebral spondylolisthesis known. Spondylolysis is a congenital defect or abnormality causing a separation of the joint surfaces, the actual joint facets (surfaces) between the vertebrae causing theVertebral body to slip forward. This condition can lead to incredible back pain, sciatica, tingling, numbness, and even loss of function. Treatment for spondylolisthesis is a reduction in activity, especially contact sports and physical labor, artificial aids, such as brackets, as a rule, if all possible discouraged by atrophy and a further weakening of the core muscles, the exercise of the core muscle group, and even back surgery, known as OP-fusion, when all otherActions fail. As mentioned in a previous article, indicated a spinal fusion procedure is equivalent to opening Pandora's Box and should be avoided if possible!
Be used during surgery to the first reaction in severe neck pain, back pain, sciatica, and for many of cervical radiculopathy and spondylolisthesis patients, especially when it is exhausted expressed with spondylolysis, now more conservative treatment is generally given before surgery. A treatment program consisting of anti-inflammatoryMedication, ice compression braces, and exercises to strengthen the core muscles, especially the abdominals, obliques, spinal erectors, and some of the larger muscles that are either out or put in the lower back. It is extremely important to listen to your body to read the signs and act early if the pain lasts longer than 48 to 72 hours with no indication of relief. There are, as we have seen above, many causes of neck pain, back pain and sciatica. InChildren and young people back pain is usually an indication of a more serious problem, a doctor's supervision should be initiated immediately. In adults, there are a variety of conditions that can cause pain in this region to be expressed. A program as defined above, is the best first step in the treatment of symptoms of neck pain, back pain and sciatica, anti-inflammatories, ice, exercise, proper shoes, pillows and support for the feet (orthotics), and even alternative medicine (eg .Acupuncture), which we cover in a later article.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Definition. The term encompasses many types of pain in the lower back, namely, pain at the sacrum, coccyx and the lumbar spine, back pain and sciatica, low back pain is more common in women than in men.
A. gynecological causes. These are less important causes of low back pain. The causes can be as follows:
(1) with uterine retroversion may cause the pelvic ligaments to pull back, this will be relieved when lying down.
(2) tubo ovarian cancerMass, salpingitis and chronic cervicitis;
(3) benign and malignant tumors of the pelvis affects uterine or ovarian cyst, pelvic endametriosis, advanced carcinoma of the cervix, retroperitoneal tumor;
(4) because of postoperative sacro iliac strain following gynecological surgery in the lithotomy position under general anesthesia;
(5) Premenstrual low - especially in pain, premenstrual syndrome.
Site about back pain due to gynecologic cause is extended but never sacral above the fourth lumbar vertebra, it has bilateral distribution, but has not been localized. Above-mentioned causes back pain is not necessarily in all cases.
1. Orthopedic causes. These are the most common cause. There are numerous factors that can play. Some important are the following --
(i) Sacro iliac strain or subluxation is often followed by pregnancy and childbirth. The pain is felt on the lifting weight or move ¬ ment to stoop. It is tenderness at the ISG> Joint;
(ii) postural muscles and ligaments causing strain on the back is possible, because the posture error. Obesity can also lead to so charged;
(iii) arthritis of the spine;
(iv) congenital anomalies of the last lumbar sacralization or lumbarisation the first sacral vertebra, spina bifida occulta can back pain;
(v) lumbago is due to myositis of the lumbar spine;
(vi) Coccydynia Coccyx pain often following work. Tenderness can betriggered on movement of the coccyx;
(vii) other diseases of the spine of the intervertebral disc prolapse, caries spine, compression of the spinal cord.
Sites of pain in orthopedics each lead after each lesion, but tend to be localized pain with tenderness in one place, the pain is also associated with the exercise or rest. Sacroiliac strain is worse at night, while flat on his back or on Turn the page.
II Nonorthopaedic causes.
(1) distribution of pain, kidney painFeature means the join in the one-sided here.
(2) Rectal pain. Constipation, cramps, or rectal cancer have sacral pain or discomfort.
In some cases, no detectable cause can be found for back pain. psychological disturbance is accused of being a factor to play in this group.
1. A careful history, thorough clinical examination of the patient's general condition, pelvis condition, should be done. Examination of the spine and back, especially for all localTenderness is essential. Radiology of lurnbosacral region is al ¬ ways taken to identify clearly a lesion. Urological examinations are taken in the cases suggested benefit the cause.
2. Cases show no gynecological factor for back pain should be transferred to the orthopedic surgeons.
Treatment. This is done for the cause. The gynecologic causes are treated. For the orthopedic causes, local application of heat, by some local massage ointment, rest, analgesics cantaken before taking the orthopedist, the cause of the treatment.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Kidney stones are often kidney stones. Kidney stones are crystal aggregation of dissolved minerals found in urine. Stones usually develop within the ureters or kidneys. The labels of nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis, and means the occurrence of stones in the urinary tract and kidneys.
People generally have two kidneys, which cleanse the blood function. Kidney stones are small, hard deposits that form when salts or minerals to grow, the urinesolid crystals in the pancreas.
Kidney stones are stone-like accumulations, the solid one or both kidneys. If in the kidney, they are often harmless, it is capable of causing severe pain, because it depends on the kidneys to move the bubble.
If you've ever passed kidney stones, I am sure that you are not likely to miss the experience. Why? It is excruciatingly painful. Kidney stones are one of the most painful of the urologic confusion forFor centuries, people have too much. The detection of kidney stones was by some scientists discovered in a 7000 year old Egyptian mummy.
Unfortunately, kidney stones are one of the most common mistakes of the urinary tract. Each year approximately 3 million people visit health care providers and more than half a million people to the emergency department.
Kidney stones can also be a series of chemical mixtures. The most common type of stone contains calcium combined with oxalateor phosphate. To determine if you have kidney stones, the doctor will ask you about your diet, medication use, lifestyle and medical history of your family.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
In traditional medicine, back pain is often treated by surgery. And it often does not work. So often, in fact, that back surgery is the only category of surgery, in fact, a clinical term for failure: Failed Back Surgery Syndrome.
If you ask me, any treatment expected, actual failure is not a treatment at all.
I do not care what kind of operation you will consider. For each treatment, which addresses only the symptoms - in this case, pain - the question is not whatSymptoms you have, but what causes it.
3 Reasons surgery does not work
I will not say that you are not supposed to have surgery. I can assure you that once surgery changes everything. You will never be the same, even if the operation is a success.
There are perhaps a dozen or more types of surgical procedures for back pain, and they all try to remove one of two things: you do the pressure on the nerves or stabilization of the spine. Let's have a herniated discDisc, for example. You have pain because the disc pressing on the nerve. My doctor says that the only thing he can do, remove the part of the disc, that the nerve is affected.
Your first thought is probably: Good-bye pain!
Not so fast.
1. Once the process is complete, your body will go through a recovery process that much pain and awkward movement, just to get you through each day, includes. This is your first potential source of trouble. BecauseYour body must be forgiven now, you will get unnatural wear on other areas of the body. This can lead to starting problems are above or below the surgical site or in other joints such as hip or ISG.
2. All operations to produce scar tissue. But because back surgery is so close to the nerves, the scar tissue builds up and often makes contact with a nerve cell. This can cause as much pain as if the disk is still put pressure on theNerves.
3. The rehabilitation you will probably soon after the operation is only going to address post-operative pain. It will help you accomplish your functional abilities, which are called "activities of daily living", the bathing, dressing, going to the bathroom, and similar indications. This is good and necessary, so that you can go home and be safe. But it does not address the long-term cause of the pain.
The causes of back pain
Most do have back pain conditions, withso-called "postural disorders." Postural dysfunction is comparable with tires of a car from the correct orientation. The body is the wrong direction, seen as an abnormal curvature of the spine and misalignment of the pelvis.
The good news is that we know what is causing these problems and correct postural problems like this.
To get your body back into balance so that they can function normally again, we need to get our muscles back into alignment.
5 important questionsAsk
If you are considering surgery, I recommend finding a qualified practitioner first. Give yourself 60 days to stretch and strengthen the work before you decide whether to go under the knife.
If you are still in surgery, both say your therapist and your surgeon, you want your post-operative rehabilitation address both short-term and long-term goals. It must not only work on decreasing your pain, so you go home safely. It must also answer the following fiveQuestions to be the cause or causes of your pain is related.
1. What posture dysfunction, you identify yourself? Ask the doctor and therapist to check for dysfunction, possible including the following two anomalies.
2. How would you describe the curvature of my spine from top to bottom?
3. How would you describe) the position of my pelvis (level or storage?
4. What are my muscle imbalances? The therapist must explain how you have your musclesBalance - the muscles are strong, weak, flexible or in close relationship to each other.
5. Which muscles should I stretch myself and what I need to strengthen? (Be sure that the therapist explained, is what every muscle group, so that you know how the exercises correctly.)
If both your surgeon and your therapist to write down everything, ask as part of long-term goal, and for a copy.
The road to success
If you decide to undergo surgery, finally, to understandthat the number one reason why back pain to long-term remedy can fail - and I mean more than five years - is that this very simple principle of muscle imbalance is not seriously addressed.
Once you do they address, if so, then you are really on the way to a pain-free life.
Monday, January 4, 2010
The sacroiliac joint is the part of the body that the base of the spine (sacrum) and the part of the pelvis called the ilium links. There are two connections and each connection is a strong common robust due to the formation of grooves and ridges at the end of the bone. Both ends of bones covered with a layer of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber. The strength of the connection is actually mentioned on two factors, the grooves and ridges, andextremely strong ligaments around the joint (anterior and posterior)
There are two main causes of sacroiliac joint pain, sacroiliac joint dysfunction and sacroilitis. Sacroilitis is an inflammation of the joint and, as such, can cause pain in the lower back, buttocks and thighs can. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction and pain in my lower back and legs cause, but is generally assumed caused by problemswith the joint motion, ie, either too much or too little exercise. Sacroilitis tends to be caused by degenerative connective tissue diseases such as psoriasis. Strained ligaments are unlikely to be a cause of sacroiliac joint pain as the ligaments around the joint is extremely strong, they are actually stronger than the fat to be in most cases the pool to break off the tapes.
The following symptoms may be aIndication of the sacroiliac joint problems
A dull pain around the lower back and hip, sacroiliac joint can be a sign of a mechanical problem. The joint has a very limited range of motion and the pain may be a product of the person on the starting line.
The pain will usually be a mild or moderate one back around the people who may become worse when standing from a sitting position.
The pain is usually on the left side of the body.
You noticeThey change your posture and position, to avoid complaints.
Lower back pain and stiffness, often for long periods of sitting all the entire long walk.
There are many options for sacroiliac dysfunction, but unfortunately most of the test individual tests to be unreliable for themselves. Your doctor will usually recommend a combination of tests and then great care and much time to analyze and correlatethe results. Careful interpretation of the test, as both false positive and false negative test results critical of our shared with the individual tests.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Oral candidiasis or thrush infection is an infection of the mouth is caused by the fungus Candida. This is not an infection that can be passed on to others. Everyone, including babies, have some of these bacteria in their mouths. Thrush is most common in people who wear dentures, people find is hard to keep their mouth clean, diabetics and those taking steroids.
Some antibiotics are known to cause thrush and promote repeat, especially if the antibioticsbe over longer periods. Other causes include dry mouth caused by some drugs, and chemotherapy of head and neck. One of the first signs of HIV infection may be a choke, but that is rare.
Symptoms of thrush are red, sore areas of the mouth, white patches on the lips and tongue, and red, inflamed areas on the corner of the lips. Mild oral thrush infections are usually painless, but the condition can be quite sore.
For the diagnosis of a choke, you could simply look at the points;This is especially true for babies. Sometimes, samples must be taken for analysis. If this problem as that imposed on antibiotics or difficulties with dentures, these should be treated first.
The treatment is crucial for the prevention of throttle to keep the mouth as clean as possible. This can be with a thorough cleaning and rinsing after meals and it's not a good idea to keep dentures in the mouth for 24 hours will be conducted at a time. It is also very important thatYour dentures replaced every few years.
If, after thorough brushing and cleaning, see the throttle is still a problem, consult a professional. You may be required to leave for medical lozenges slowly melt in your mouth. After further treatment in a month, your dentist will want to check again for the infection. If it's not until you need further treatment cleared. And as always, remember to regularly visit your dentist.
If you follow these simple guidelines, you should nothave a problem. But these are only
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The term sciatica is the word often used to find pain, tingling, numbness or weakness in the legs by compression or injury of the sciatic nerve, located in the back of his leg caused. People who suffer from severe sciatica definitely know the meaning of the word "pain".
Sciatica pain can vary widely, ranging from a slight tingling or burning sensation to severe symptoms due to the inability to move. Some of the causes of sciatica arePelvic injuries, degenerative discs, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, or pregnancy.
Pain from Sciatica often starts slowly and gets worse after prolonged standing or sitting for long periods. For most people the pain is on one side or the other and may extend from the hip to the sole of the foot. The affected leg may also feel weak.
Treatment options for sciatica, ranging from mild physical therapyExercises to injections around the nerve. Steroids are also often used to treat nerve inflammation related to herniated discs (usually only provides temporary relief).
Millions of people suffer from sciatica in one degree or another, and many of them spend thousands and thousands of dollars each year on treatments that do not also provide for the permanent relief, as injection of steroids. Even if it all natural solutions for sciatica is not necessary that the use ofsynthetic drugs and surgery.
People with this condition should continue to remain active, as more and more sendentary only make back pain worse. Gentle stretching exercises like yoga could be of great benefit. In addition, hanging upside down on an inversion table can do wonders to help stretch the spine and reverse gravity. Remember that sciatica does not mean that surgery and streroids are inevitable. Of course there are always steps you can take to the easeCondition.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Posterior pelvic pain (PPP) is pain in the sacroiliac joints close to your pelvis as a result of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. These joints are located in 2 pits of the lower back. The pain often feels deep in the lower back and can occur on one or both sides of the back. In some cases, pain radiates into the buttocks and the back of the thigh.
While pain may begin at any time during pregnancy, on average, PPP starts in the 18th WeeksPregnancy and becomes more intense as the progression of pregnancy. The pain is usually resolved spontaneously within 3 months after delivery. But in some cases it can become chronic and disabling it.
What are the sacroiliac joint?
The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) are between the sacrum, a triangular bone formed at the bottom of the spine and the right and left ilium of the pelvis. The SIG is a strong and stable joints loaded, very Permitslittle movement because of its natural structure. The main task of the SIG is to be efficiently transmitted forces through the body, absorbing effect of the legs of the spine during activities such as hiking, running and jumping.
The SIG is kept stable by two mechanisms:
First, the rough surfaces such as groove connection between the sacrum and hip bones interlock and stabilize the joint, like two pieces of Lego together.
Second, the SIG is still enhanced byNetwork of tendons and muscles, as the core stabilizers. These core muscles like the transversus abdominis and multifidus SIG, act as active stabilizers, by creating an active contracting a compressive force on the SIG about, haunting joints together surrounded. They seem like a natural corset, by that compression to the lower back and pelvic area, much packaging as your fingers around the two Lego bricks, solid and holds tight.
PosteriorPelvic pain arises from sacroiliac joint dysfunction, in other words, if the stability of the SIG is at risk.
Why did it happen?
During pregnancy affects the mechanisms for stabilization of the SIG. This instability can be used for enhanced movement, said the SIG.
Hormones released during pregnancy, the ligaments of the body relax, so that the pelvis enlarge in preparation for childbirth
Due to the growing uterus, which in part, at the core musclesthe pelvis get 'stretched and weakened.
In addition, the added weight and altered gait pattern may be associated with pregnancy in significant mechanical stress on the sacroiliac joints, which can be in SIJ inflammation, what a deep pain in the posterior pelvis.
What are the symptoms?
Of all experienced back pain during pregnancy posterior pelvic pain is the most common - they are four times more likely to experience low back as a PPPPain.
You can posterior pelvic pain / sacroiliac joint dysfunction if you have:
Deep, boring pain in the back of the pelvis (around the sacroiliac joints)
The pain can sometimes radiate to the groin and thigh.
The pain is usually worse with increased standing, walking, stairs, resting on one leg, and disembarking from a low chair, rolling over and twisting in bed, and lifting. The pain improved when lying down.
Inflammation and arthritisin the SI joint stiffness you may experience a burning sensation in the pelvis.
Diagnostic Sacroiliac
Making Joint Dysfunction in pregnancy, your doctor and / or physical therapist for a thorough history and physical examination to determine the underlying disease for your pain. This is looking at your description of symptoms, a series of tests on the stability, movement, and include pain in the sacroiliac joints and the surrounding areaStructures. Imaging, such as computed tomography (CT) and X-ray can also help in the diagnosis. Another method is to reliably diagnose an anesthetic injection into the SI joint by an X-ray machine, anesthesia for the irritated area, which led to identify the source of pain. Because of concerns of fetal radiation exposure is diagnostic procedures, avoiding radiation in general.
Treatment and Management
The first-line treatment ofPregnancy-related sacroiliac joint dysfunction is physical therapy and exercises that focus on the core stability of the trunk and pelvic girdle. Sometimes a sacroiliac belt is compulsory in order to complement the core stability exercises and provide fast pain relief. Exercises will form a large part of the treatment and in some cases, mobilization (a gentler form of manipulation of the hip, back or pelvis) are used to correct the underlying movement dysfunction. Other manualTechniques include muscle energy techniques (MET) and myofascial release. It is important to a physiotherapist, which is in the treatment of pregnancy-related pain qualified as it is aware of the studies that support the use of specific stabilizing exercises and other methods of treatment, thereby preventing an escalation of dysfunction in a chronic to commit state.
Other alternative treatments include anesthetic and steroid injections in the SIG, that in pain relief to help, can takefrom one day or more long term. Oral anti-inflammatory medications are often effective in pain relief as well. However, these two processes may be contraindicated during pregnancy has not been disclosed.
Posterior Pelvic Pain Home Advice
Here are some tips for pregnant women with posterior pelvic pain is ..
Avoid lying on your back for a long time, especially after the 19th Week of pregnancy.
Try lying on your side (preferably the left side) with aPillow between your knees and put another under your belly.
If your waist sags down lies in the bed lay a small towel rolled up under the waist.
Turning in bed
To turn on the right side, lying on his back, arch your lower back, tighten your pelvic floor muscles and lower abdominal muscles and bend both knees one by one.
Turn your head to the right and take the left arm to the right of your body. Hold down on the side of your bed if you can.
To turn, pull withTake your left hand and both knees to the right so that you roll to the right. As soon as possible, bend your knees as high as it helps to go - so, you lock your pelvis and relieve pain.
Reverse turn it to the left.
Getting out of bed
Roll on the side with your knees bent, move your feet over the edge of the bed and press on the side with the poor.
Reverse the process when you lie down.
Standing from a seated position.
Sit on theEdge of the chair.
Keep your knees slightly apart and forth until your head is lean directly over the knees, keep your back straight.
Stand up by holding down with your arms straight back and stomach in this way their hips in their stable position and can significantly reduce your hidden pain.
Fitzgerald, CM, and J. Le back pain during pregnancy is practical creativity. Biomechanics. 2007 November
Ostgaard HC, Andersson GB,Karlsson K. Prevalence of back pain during pregnancy. Spine. 1991, 16:549-552.
Ostgaard HC, Zetherstrom G, Roos-Hansson E, Svanberg B. Reduction of back and posterior pelvic pain during pregnancy. Spine. 1994, 19:894-900.
The SI joint composed of bone of the sacrum and the two bones on either side of the ileum. The sacrum is formed of five vertebrae that are fused together and ileum anatomical forms of the pelvis. The joint is held together by a great band. The main function of this compound is the weight of the upper body support in a standing position, the available range of motion is very little. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction happens when pain,Injury or inflammation occurs.
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction can by various causes. As with other joints in the body of the sacroiliac joint arthritis may also be affected. Arthrosis, arthritis, a condition can occur when the cartilage of the joint is thinner. The bone is then rubbed with each other and could lead to arthritis, what the most common cause of SI Dysfunction is. Another condition that SI could causeDysfunction is the direct impact on the joint, as in fall. Been raised by postural changes and abnormalities in pregnancy because hormones, SI dysfunction common in pregnant women.
Abnormal kinematics of the joint can cause pain, and that goes for people with leg length discrepancy, or if one leg is longer than the other. Systemic diseases may include the ISG as gout, RA (rheumatoid arthritis), ankylosing spondylitis andPsoriasis.
Pain in SI joint dysfunction is felt in the lower back region, but may be up to the buttocks. The intensity of pain increases when the back is extended as walking, lying down or standing up. Pain can be perceived in the hips and groin. During the physical examination may be pain reproduced by exposure of the joint.
Non-invasive treatment for SI dysfunction includes physical therapy. Invasive procedures include jointInjections of local anesthetics and steroids. Lumbar stabilization techniques and stretching the back are typical exercises that are for the SI joint dysfunction patients an advantage.