Tuesday, January 5, 2010

In traditional medicine, back pain is often treated by surgery. And it often does not work. So often, in fact, that back surgery is the only category of surgery, in fact, a clinical term for failure: Failed Back Surgery Syndrome.

If you ask me, any treatment expected, actual failure is not a treatment at all.

I do not care what kind of operation you will consider. For each treatment, which addresses only the symptoms - in this case, pain - the question is not whatSymptoms you have, but what causes it.

3 Reasons surgery does not work

I will not say that you are not supposed to have surgery. I can assure you that once surgery changes everything. You will never be the same, even if the operation is a success.

There are perhaps a dozen or more types of surgical procedures for back pain, and they all try to remove one of two things: you do the pressure on the nerves or stabilization of the spine. Let's have a herniated discDisc, for example. You have pain because the disc pressing on the nerve. My doctor says that the only thing he can do, remove the part of the disc, that the nerve is affected.

Your first thought is probably: Good-bye pain!

Not so fast.

1. Once the process is complete, your body will go through a recovery process that much pain and awkward movement, just to get you through each day, includes. This is your first potential source of trouble. BecauseYour body must be forgiven now, you will get unnatural wear on other areas of the body. This can lead to starting problems are above or below the surgical site or in other joints such as hip or ISG.

2. All operations to produce scar tissue. But because back surgery is so close to the nerves, the scar tissue builds up and often makes contact with a nerve cell. This can cause as much pain as if the disk is still put pressure on theNerves.

3. The rehabilitation you will probably soon after the operation is only going to address post-operative pain. It will help you accomplish your functional abilities, which are called "activities of daily living", the bathing, dressing, going to the bathroom, and similar indications. This is good and necessary, so that you can go home and be safe. But it does not address the long-term cause of the pain.

The causes of back pain

Most do have back pain conditions, withso-called "postural disorders." Postural dysfunction is comparable with tires of a car from the correct orientation. The body is the wrong direction, seen as an abnormal curvature of the spine and misalignment of the pelvis.

The good news is that we know what is causing these problems and correct postural problems like this.

To get your body back into balance so that they can function normally again, we need to get our muscles back into alignment.

5 important questionsAsk

If you are considering surgery, I recommend finding a qualified practitioner first. Give yourself 60 days to stretch and strengthen the work before you decide whether to go under the knife.

If you are still in surgery, both say your therapist and your surgeon, you want your post-operative rehabilitation address both short-term and long-term goals. It must not only work on decreasing your pain, so you go home safely. It must also answer the following fiveQuestions to be the cause or causes of your pain is related.

1. What posture dysfunction, you identify yourself? Ask the doctor and therapist to check for dysfunction, possible including the following two anomalies.

2. How would you describe the curvature of my spine from top to bottom?

3. How would you describe) the position of my pelvis (level or storage?

4. What are my muscle imbalances? The therapist must explain how you have your musclesBalance - the muscles are strong, weak, flexible or in close relationship to each other.

5. Which muscles should I stretch myself and what I need to strengthen? (Be sure that the therapist explained, is what every muscle group, so that you know how the exercises correctly.)

If both your surgeon and your therapist to write down everything, ask as part of long-term goal, and for a copy.

The road to success

If you decide to undergo surgery, finally, to understandthat the number one reason why back pain to long-term remedy can fail - and I mean more than five years - is that this very simple principle of muscle imbalance is not seriously addressed.

Once you do they address, if so, then you are really on the way to a pain-free life.

1 comment:

  1. Can you please comment on the iFuse Implant System. I have conformed to surgery and now I seek a secondary opinion and criticisms to make a judgement. Thanks!
