Friday, April 16, 2010

Using the Meilus Robot to improve Sacroiliac Joint dysfunction and helping improve athletic performance.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Malalignment Syndrome; Upslip, anterior posterior rotation, sitting lying test, Shoulder heights

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What it is
One-sided repetitive exercise is an isolated movement of the skeleton to achieve a very limited number of muscles (including any other), repeated dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions, and ultimately time and time again in the hope of health and fitness. "Single" refers to the linear one-dimensional aspect of the movements.

As mentioned above, are examples: running, cycling, strength training machines and countless filling every gymthroughout the country. Each of these activities are working a few muscles, from the many, crossing the joints and hinges. Golf also falls into this category, the literal one-sided nature of this activity is clear. Over time, as a result of always with the body, turned and twisted to one side, there are fine to coarse shifts in the structure to make the hip to report to, such as neck, shoulder, arm, SI joint, low, middle or upper back, etc. .. pain.

The Danger
The risk ofone-sided repetitive exercise is first conceptually what happens to the muscles and the skeleton, if you understand the work.

All muscles (I am using muscles I here generically, if there really is no soft tissue) to bone across all muscles joints associated bone. If a muscle is under load it is stronger. In the wake of increasing it contracts and bulks up, becoming shorter and thicker. Therefore, we can observe the rounded, well-defined muscles of a bodybuilder. Thoseshortened, bulked-up, tight muscles Tighten the 2 (or more) bones connect them closer together. There are always more than one muscle above a certain joint, the joint is compressed, never balanced, always asymmetrical.

It is this asymmetric compression of the joints and hinges of the skeleton that all the problems resulting from the fact distort and symptoms of structural aging (). This includes, but is not limited to: general stiffness and pain, lack ofMobility, reduced performance / It is difficult to move, stress / strains / tears in the soft tissues, cartilage deterioration, damage to windows, and all other structural injuries.

One-sided repetitive exercise creates tense muscles, but they are only a symptom of the real problem. When the skeleton is pulled out of alignment, out of balance, altered the quality of movement and reduces the possibilities of movement in kind. The harder you train or work out, the faster speeds along the process;a wonderful example of a vicious circle, or a step forward and two steps back.

This phenomenon can be in a runner's legs to watch. Running is one-sided repetitive exercise, over time, turn the legs out of alignment, asymmetric compression of the feet, ankles, knees, hips and lower back for starters. Even with an untrained eye can look at the legs of a hard-nosed runner and you will see this obvious bias in the work.

Try this with a runner orCyclists: Place feet hip distance of the medial arches in a (not too wide) and parallel (each other) position. Slowly bend at the knees, and look where to go to his knees. Each knee towards the opposite foot. This clearly shows the degree of distortion that will be taken, very bad with every step, twist the leg more out of shape and direct concern and putting strain on the lower back and sacroiliac joints. It does not stop there, can not stop,because we can not draw a part of said structure (or more accurately, the fascial web) out of place without the rest of it.

Try this: Wrap a piece of your shirt around your finger and watch what happens, think through the rest of the tissue, you could the whole shirt under a microscope when you are doing this. This is done by the whole body, in every conceivable direction, moment to moment, magnified and exacerbated by all of the exercise, and above all, repetitiveExercises.

We want to believe, to relieve us from any responsibility that cause injury, such as illness, is something that simply happens to us. The fact that we are quite good, cruising along, make nothing wrong, and then we only hurt, like winning an anti-lottery. We do not "get" a violation not more than we "get" a disease, we create them through concentrated neglect and abuse our bodies. They are the culmination of symptoms testimony to the natural laws that we violated blatantly,either our ignorance or our naivete.

When I speak of injuries here, I'm not on the impact of injuries, I am to injuries that cause structural distortions from chronic muscle strains and pulls national, and degenerated joints and the tissue around them. These are the constant companions of the athletes, which persists in demanding (usually, but not limited to, repetitive) exercise, and who has never achieved functional flexibility in his (her) own body. The treatment of these symptomswith surgery, medication or more increase (reduction) exercise is a quick fix at best, with questionable results, and ultimately only the original problem.

The missing link in all activities is rife in our culture is flexibility. Flexibility is not only the body's ability to move in strange, rubbery manner. The main reason you want to achieve, and remain flexible, because it reverses the distortion of the skeleton caused by excessive shortening of muscles anddecompresses the poor, beat up joints.

Done properly, the real flexibility of work shall distorted skeleton, decompressed asymmetrically compressed joints, and takes the stress and strain of the soft tissues. It re-hydrates cartilage abused, rinsing it out and fluff it. It opens blocked pathways of fluid and energy flows. It synchronizes all aspects of your being, so that healing to take place at all levels with ease.

Sounds like conventional stretching toYou? Well, it is not. Some other kind of work is required with the body, something to do all of the above will, and much more.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Parazitii - Praf Refren: I-ati femeia de buci, fa-te muci si baga bine in cap Mesajul meu neortodox livrat in ritm de rap. Am inspirat un fum ciudat, depresiile le-am aruncat Ma vad in ochii tai, ce pula mea, sunt praf. Bem alcool nu racoritoare in beci la soare Sau oricum departe de soare Cand trag prea tare ma misc in reluare. Si vad fete care incerc sa spun vorbe murdare Nu stimulez colectionare de vibratoare In rai n-am rezervare, acolo platim sa plutim sau stam in picioare Par mereu pe picior de plecare e fals ca falsa mea pudoare Sunt preocupat de vin si gratare Sunt inca in stare de functionare Orice zi sa o facem sarbatoare Cu pahar sparte nu cu confetii si inimioare Esti tare suparat sau mi se pare, Frate curva ramane curva si la a 10a reincarnare Avem o iarba rea so terminam eo provocare Si-o sa aprind un mare joint direct din lumanare Da, sunt aici din pura intamplare si in continuoare dau la fel de lent rime ametitoare. Nu renunt la practicile mele barbare, Pentru un cerc de cacat pe cap si un set de aripioare Prezicandu-mi sfarsitul in saracie mare, o clar vazatoare croncane gretos si moare Hai sa ne-mbatam ce pula mea, e vreo suparare? Refren(x2): I-ati femeia de buci, fa-te muci si baga bine in cap Mesajul meu neortodox livrat in ritm de rap Am inspirat un fum ciudat depresiile le-am aruncat Ma vad in ochii tai, ce pula mea, sunt praf. Evit, multimea in viteza lovit cumplit de vin, Va invit in paradisul lichid , colind Cu doua palme in loc de arme nu sunt ...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Causes of Back Pain

Given the fact that the majority or between 70 and 90 percent of the population is a kind of back pain at one time or a different experience, knowledge about back pain relief is certainly welcome, appreciated and a popular topic. One of the best ways to begin learning about back pain relief is by understanding the basics of back pain: what causes it, how it is diagnosed, what treatments are available, as you manage the pain, etc.

Most references toBack pain focus on back pain in the lumbar region. However, back pain causes in no particular order are:

A. Accidents or injuries leaving muscle pain

B. osteoarthritis with deterioration of the cartilage

C. Osteoporosis with bone loss / fracture

D. Fibromyalgia

E. Major conditions like cancer

Muscles, ligaments and tendons are usually problems at the root of the problems, the pain with a certain weakness in the lower back. Other parts of the body in the regionbones and small joints to be connected.

If no specific cause is identified, the term NSLBP (nonspecific back pain) is used. Any number of reasons for this pain, degenerative disk disease, psychological issues, systemic disease, facet syndrome (similar to pinched nerves symptoms), herniated disk, spondylolisthesis or the forward displacement of one of the lower lumbar vertebrae over the vertebra below or on the sacrum. Other factors could be spinalStenosis or constriction or spondyloarthropathy (disease, the spinal joints).

Let's take a look at each of these and what pain relief solutions are available.

DEGENERATIVE disc disease - the degeneration of the intervertebral disc is a natural part of aging. As often happens, however, that if the narrowing of the space combined with the nociceptors, sensory receptors that respond to pain in the outer annulus (in the space outside the nucleus) or dorsal root gangliaGanglion (spinal nerves) that increase, the result can be pain, but not always. Sometimes pain can be felt by some people, sometimes not. For example a minor accident like missing a step and landing a little harder than usual to the feet of back pain. And certain activities can aggravate degenerative disks, such as gardening or house cleaning movements. But overall, pain associated with degenerative disk disease generally heals within a few days at most. PreventiveMeasures such as strengthening the muscle groups are to reduce future injuries usually recommended to ease along with an analgesic or medication, the pain helps. Only in some cases, PDA or injections, blocks or surgery needed.

Psychological issues - If acute back pain turns into chronic stages, factors of depression, fear and anxiety could increase discomfort and pain. And last longer, chronic pain, the more likely these factors, a greater role in the course of time to play. SoTreatment strategies may need to also address the learning coping skills and alternative lifestyle enhancements with the psychological factors present.

Systemic disease - This disease is the cause for up to 10% of back pain and mostly among the elderly. Causes could be linked to cancer or in connection with reduced bone mass or simply the aging process. Increase or decrease in activity as well as switching positions all may have no control on pain relief. Alternative therapies can. Need

Facet syndrome - Similar to pinched nerves symptoms, this is probably cases, pain associated with pain in the back of the side joints and the main cause of up to 20 percent, with the buttock and thigh pain, increasing the long-standing, and when switching sitting / standing / lying positions. An injection of local anesthetic into the facet joint helps determine the diagnosis. However, since the anesthetic relieves the pain at the same time and is usedas a short term solution, not an x-ray imaging does not help with the pain results. Recommended treatment includes rigorous lumbar activities and exercises to learn proper body mechanics, or more beneficial posture and movement.

Herniated Disc - Also known as a ruptured or protruding disk, a herniated disc known, it covers its own area in a surrounding region. The compression of the nerve root can cause pain. And the pressure on the fibers in surrounding ligaments can cause pain. Although aAccident involving lifting could be the cause of a herniated disc, it is not necessarily so. For many, the cause is unknown, pain can occur suddenly or gradually over time. Relief for the pain can come from walking instead of sitting or standing, and surgery is rarely required right away if any, in the case of pain relief occurs within a limited time. During this time (could be up to several weeks) any of the following to use more effective, depending on your doctor:Medication, physical therapy or not frequently, steroid spinal injections.

Spondylolisthesis or the forward displacement or slippage of one of the lower lumbar vertebrae (generally the fourth or fifth) over the vertebra below or on the sacrum. This state of health is diagnosed by x-ray. The pain is likely to benefit if the shift is at or below the displacement, or from spinal stenosis, discussed next. Depending on the patient, strengthening exercises or a back supportall that is required. In other cases, surgery be an option.

Spinal stenosis - is the constriction or narrowing of the spinal canal. Mainly due to aging, such as the gradual reduction of space and changes in ligaments advance upon the nerve roots below the lumbar vertebra or L2, can cause pain. It is often accompanied by numbness in the legs and is not supported, all on foot. Different vertebra and varied physical activities can be recurring on the pain of the location, intensity and duration.To diagnose this condition, healthcare providers can myelography, or an x-ray of the spinal cord after injection of air or a radiopaque substance use in the subarachnoid space, with a post-CAT scan. And can vary depending on the patient and the treatments, minor, if the pain gradually disappears, to epidural corticosteroid injections in the epidural space, blocks or surgery.

Spondyloarthropathy - This term refers to a variety of diseases, the facet joints;Arthritis variations psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, which often accompanies frequent of the two and in men than women, and sacroiliitis, inflammatory bowel. Diagnosis consists of a physical examination, history and testing including x-rays, MRI or CAT, as the disease progresses slowly long-term security sacroiliac joints together and joints between the vertebrae together. To relieve pain, treatment with exercises and physical therapy to promote better enhancedPosture and mobility of arthritis and some medications.

Friday, April 9, 2010

hmm est ce que youtube est un lieu public et si oui peut-on y fumer comme on se le permet ? ;-))

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Have you been on your softball for? (The way to play softball used, or better yet, go to a pet shop and get a "Jumball" that looks like a big tennis ball and is the size of a softball).

Well get on it if you do not have! The ex-ball is the most effective tool I know for the release of tension in the stomach. It releases tension in the abdominal muscles such as rectus abdominis and the oblique abdominal muscles, and release tension in the fascial web supports the organs and ReleasesTension in the colon and the organs themselves, which the organ health. Perhaps the most important publication of the work in this area happens to the psoas muscle, which your spine, chest tie (diaphragm combined), pelvis and legs and the muscles are primarily responsible for your upright posture and movement affects the most.

What you may not know that this practice be on a sphere, as is also instrumental in relieving pain in lower back. If you suffer from lower back pain, andThis includes sacroiliac joint pain, then on the ball and be consistent until you no pain may be on the ball somewhere in the area between the ribs and the pelvis and the experience, even breathing.

The practice is as follows ...
Lying on the floor with the ball in your belly and your hands with the palms with the ball between the thumb and forefinger. This allows you to some of your weight on your forearms, until you can relax on the ball. Find a place where itlittle or no pain and work from there.

If one is not free on-site and is too painful to not get stuck there, just move the ball around to get on a slow trip, one place at one time, through the whole area between ribs and pelvis. Gradually you will erase all the pain in this area and the results are drastic and many. Your breathing becomes easier and fuller, tension throughout the body is reduced, you will experience a feeling of lightness, and the pain in yourdiminishing returns as the pain in the front decreases. They are two sides of a coin.

Through this work, you may experience emotional releases of varying intensity, as this area is stagnant the seat of emotions, with the breath and connected to the solar plexus. Do not be discouraged if at first it feels terribly, because it is more likely to be happy you now have a means to this tension and distortion safely to your own address, at your own pace. Go slow and be patient with themselvesRemember, you are not forced to let go of something, you are relaxing and solve your pain and tension, with your awareness and your breath. If you are not breathing, breathe out with full relaxation, you are not to be released after you receive.

I recommend at least 10 minutes per day (on an empty stomach) until you are pain free and then periodically check it out, to ensure that the entire area to stay clear (no stress, no pain).

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back pain is a very common complaint among pregnant women. It is important to know what the causes of back pain and when you should seek medical advice? Constant back problems can interfere with your daily life and in many cases, if not done, can lead to complications during labor and later.

Would an increased risk of back pain during pregnancy?

There are certain factors that your chances of developing back pain during the risePregnancy, such as -

Extreme and strenuous physical work

Lifting heavy objects, including the care of an older child / baby

Pre-existing back pain prior to conception

Back in general tend to exacerbate problems in the later part of the day or if you have consistently stood for a long time. This happens because the muscles get stretched tired by the end of the day and the bands due to the increased body weight.

What are the causes of back complaintsPregnant women, women?

1st Hormonal changes in the body of a woman are an important cause back pain. The increase in pregnancy hormones lead to softening of the ligaments to expand to facilitate the birth (such as the birth canal and increase the elasticity, worry about the passage for the baby). The growing fetus puts pressure on the soft ligaments in the abdomen causes lower back pain.

2nd Another infectious lifting heavy objects or strenuous physical activity. Also, if you already have aHistory of back pain, then be careful how it is going to deteriorate in the coming months, unless proper care.

3rd The most common cause of back pain is related to the dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint. This condition can be very painful, but the good news is that you can for them to get treatment.

4th Sciatica may be another reason for back pain in pregnancy. This is a condition where the sciatic nerve is at the end of the spinal cord itselfinflamed. Many a time, the nerve bundles are actually affected, the pinch of needles. You can get relief from sciatic back pain by physical therapy with gentle exercises.

5th Back pain can also result from a condition), known as Symphysis Dysfunction (Social Democrat usually occurring late in the first trimester, the symptoms are pain in the pubic area or groin with severe back pain. Exercise help in reducing the symptoms, and in manyCases, a lumbar support belt must be used.

It is normal for some slight back pain during pregnancy tenure experience. However, make sure to alert you of the leading causes of back pain. In case it becomes unbearable, contact your doctor immediately.

Monday, April 5, 2010 I have talked about the curvatures of the spine and how they relate to neck pain, back pain, and sciatica. Now I would like to set the stage for an examination of an actual spine. First, we need to understand the pelvis and the sacrum and how an understanding of the pelvis, the sacroiliac joint, and the sacrum will lead you to lasting relief from neck pain, back pain, and sciatica! http

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Many people (in fact probably most of them) tend to take it to arthritis as a generic condition and associated pain, failing to recognize that there are actually many types of arthritis, and that this is not a single disease. But is the fact that it is indeed considered more than 100 types of arthritis, and if we, the huge number of people affected with it, the disease is one of the most diverse types of medical problems in the world.

Among the variousare types of arthritis, there are some points in common (because they belong to the same family) and a few differences. For example, affect all types of arthritis, the elderly, juvenile arthritis, the exception that younger people are affected. There is a commonality between the different types of arthritis, when there are complaints, the characters so well - the most common symptoms of the disease are seen in the joints of the body and they include swelling and pain, and this applies in allTypes.

The most common types of arthritis

As already mentioned, there are over 100 types of arthritis - but here are some of the most common species seen more often than others ...

Osteoarthritis: The most common form of arthritis that affects a large proportion of the population. By pushing for many years on the tissue and bone, cartilage and has the tears and that leads to his injury and as a result there is swelling and pain in the jointsthe hip, back, knees, fingers, feet and even the spine. Osteoarthritis, also known as osteoarthritis is known, also hereditary in nature and can thus from one generation to the next.

Psoriatic arthritis: Also arthropathic psoriasis is known, this may also apply to all those who happen to suffer from the psoriasis skin disorder. In which they developed arthritis, the patients generally had a skin disease in the nail, which is characterized by lesions and even the nail could fall off in heavyConditions. Psoriatic arthritis is relatively rare. Early diagnosis can prevent arthritis.

Ankylosing Spondylitis: This type of arthritis affects the sacroiliac joints and spine. Low back pain is the most common symptom of this disease.

Juvenile arthritis is: mostly children. The symptoms of this type of arthritis are significantly different from the other types. Loss of appetite, almost complete lack of physical activity and a general lethargy areThe most common symptoms. It can also come with flu and slight fever. If the child limps, without much pain, then it might be a case of juvenile arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis: This is another common type of arthritis. This disease slowly over many years, but once it starts affecting a person, it remains for a long time as well. The body's immune system is an enemy and attacks the joints by mistake thinking it was an externalAttack and there is pain in the knees, wrists and hands. The tissue and cartilage will be damaged to the pain.

Reactive arthritis: This type of arthritis occurs after an infection - this is in a chemical reaction. The infections cause that this includes those urogenital and intestinal.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

If you have ever wished for lasting relief from back, hip, or joint pain the answer is here!

Friday, April 2, 2010

GIJOE este acronimul unei baze militare situate in Europa, Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity. Misiunea bazei, ai carei soldati au trecut cele mai dificile teste fizice si intelectuale pentru a face parte din aceasta echipa de elita, este sa rezolve misiuni secrete peste tot pe glob. In filmul lui Sommers, soldatii isi folosesc echipamentele de ultima generatie pentru a contracara periculoasele activitati ale unui traficant de arme.