Back pain is a very common complaint among pregnant women. It is important to know what the causes of back pain and when you should seek medical advice? Constant back problems can interfere with your daily life and in many cases, if not done, can lead to complications during labor and later.
Would an increased risk of back pain during pregnancy?
There are certain factors that your chances of developing back pain during the risePregnancy, such as -
Extreme and strenuous physical workLifting heavy objects, including the care of an older child / baby
Pre-existing back pain prior to conception
Back in general tend to exacerbate problems in the later part of the day or if you have consistently stood for a long time. This happens because the muscles get stretched tired by the end of the day and the bands due to the increased body weight.
What are the causes of back complaintsPregnant women, women?
1st Hormonal changes in the body of a woman are an important cause back pain. The increase in pregnancy hormones lead to softening of the ligaments to expand to facilitate the birth (such as the birth canal and increase the elasticity, worry about the passage for the baby). The growing fetus puts pressure on the soft ligaments in the abdomen causes lower back pain.
2nd Another infectious lifting heavy objects or strenuous physical activity. Also, if you already have aHistory of back pain, then be careful how it is going to deteriorate in the coming months, unless proper care.
3rd The most common cause of back pain is related to the dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint. This condition can be very painful, but the good news is that you can for them to get treatment.
4th Sciatica may be another reason for back pain in pregnancy. This is a condition where the sciatic nerve is at the end of the spinal cord itselfinflamed. Many a time, the nerve bundles are actually affected, the pinch of needles. You can get relief from sciatic back pain by physical therapy with gentle exercises.
5th Back pain can also result from a condition), known as Symphysis Dysfunction (Social Democrat usually occurring late in the first trimester, the symptoms are pain in the pubic area or groin with severe back pain. Exercise help in reducing the symptoms, and in manyCases, a lumbar support belt must be used.
It is normal for some slight back pain during pregnancy tenure experience. However, make sure to alert you of the leading causes of back pain. In case it becomes unbearable, contact your doctor immediately.
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