Saturday, February 13, 2010

Back pain is a very common complaint among pregnant women. It is important to be aware of what causes back pain and when a doctor should be consulted? Constant back discomfort can do with your daily routine and in many cases, if not disrupt care, can lead to complications during birth and also later.

Are you at increased risk of developing back pain during pregnancy?

There are certain factors that increase the opportunities of developing countries> Back pain during pregnancy, such as --

Extreme and strenuous physical work
Lifting heavy objects, including the care of an older child / baby
Pre-existing back pain prior to conception

Back issues generally more in the later part of the day get worse or if you have been standing for a long time. This happens because the muscles by the end of the day and get tired of getting stretch the ligaments due to the increased body weight.

What are the causesBack complaints among pregnant women?

1. Hormonal changes in a woman's body are a major cause back pain. The increase in pregnancy hormones lead to a softening of the bands (to facilitate childbirth, such as the birth canal has to expand and) increase the elasticity to provide the passage for the child. The growing fetus also brings a burden on the soft abdominal ligaments leads to back pain.

2. Another agent is lifting heavy objects or physical exertion. Moreover, ifYou already have a history of back pain, then be careful as it will worsen in the coming months, if care is taken.

3. The most common cause of back pain is related to dysfunction in the context of the ISG. This situation can be very distressing, but the good news is that you can not provide treatment received.

4. Sciatica is another reason for the symptoms during pregnancy back. This is a condition where the sciatic nerve at the end of the localizedSpinal ignite. Many a time, the nerve bundles are also affected, to pinch the needles. You can get relief from sciatica, back pain through physical therapy with gentle exercises.

5th Back pain can also result from a condition known symphysis dysfunction (SPD). Usually occurring late in the first trimester, the symptoms are pain in the pubic area or groin with severe back pain. Exercise helps to reduce theHarassment, and in many cases, a pelvic support belt can be used.

It is normal to some mild back discomfort during pregnancy, term of office experience. However, make sure that you are the tender, the causes of back pain. In case it is becomes unbearable, contact your doctor immediately.

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