Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pain in the lower back is an epidemic disease, millions of patients worldwide. Medical technology meets this growing plague on the head, but very little progress when it comes to providing lasting relief for most patients. Medical science turns its attention to the development primarily symptomatic treatment modalities, if the patient really a cure for their pain. Objective study of the history of back pain, the typical diagnoses, the standard treatments and thestatistical results paint a crystal clear picture, why most people never really recover from their leading symptoms.

Many health conditions can be traced back hundreds or even thousands of years of history. Back pain is rarely mentioned in historical medical texts, and almost never mentioned as a serious or chronic anxiety. It is amazing to know that modern man suffers from back pain in numbers too great to calculate them. Complaints are the second most common cause of back paina patient to seek medical advice from their doctor. Back pain is the most common cause for a worker in one days work long. Chronic back pain may not be an historical medical disorder, but the time has come, and it spreads like a contagious disease. Modern conditions are back pain patients and doctors is well known that the treatment of resistant and permanent problems that defy even the aggressive treatment.

Pain in the lower back is the most common serious and life-threatening changes in the spinalCondition. Patients diagnosed to suffer from lumbar pain, regardless of the cause of damage, have a difficult time working in almost every aspect of life. Lower back pain interferes with work, will avoid the pursuit of pleasure, limitations of physical activity creates serious psycho-emotional stress and may actually cause the patient to live a life in complete disability. This is certainly a harsh penalty to bear, especially when diagnosed the cause of pain is rarely the real reason for the symptoms!

Lower BackPain is a concept that a variety of spinal conditions will include medical theory symptomatic in most patients. Lumbar discs, spinal stenosis, neurological impingement, sciatica, muscle imbalance, sacroiliac joint dysfunction and piriformis syndrome are some of the most common diagnoses made in patients complaining of lower back pain. Although the diversity of these diagnoses is rich enough, the subsequent treatment options are strikingly similar and notcoincidentally, is usually ineffective.

It is well known in the medical profession that most of the spine diagnosed anomalies are rarely symptomatic and consists of a large number of people who had no more pain experience. Why then are the same conditions for spinal pain in patients blamed, which symptomatically, even if the anatomical clinical impression of the state not experienced the symptoms? The answer to this question is simple and a bit scary. Even doctorssometimes require a scapegoat. Finally, a patient informs you that you can not discover the actual cause of pain is difficult to accept, but millions of miserable souls say this message would certainly be to ban all faith in the medical world. Therefore, the burden of guilt has happened to this innocent and spinal conditions that normally do not put the cause of a severe or chronic pain.

Treatment of low back pain is often an eclectic mix of traditional and alternativeand complementary therapies. The traditional medical approach focuses on a progressively more invasive and made series of treatments, which usually starts with physical therapy and medications, epidural injections and advances to more drugs and ends with the surgery and more medication as a last gasp of unresolved grief to heal. Alternative and complementary therapies are likely to massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, Reiki, Alexander Technique, electrotherapy, including spinal decompression,Diet change and posture correction. Outside the spinal decompression surgery, the rest of these treatments in the symptomatic nature, ie they take the pain, but do nothing to heal the underlying causative condition. Why are these treatments to the recognized rules for the treatment of back pain? Once again, the answer is painfully obvious.

Pain in the lower back is a mystery to most doctors. You do not know why it is so virulent. You need a little help to patients so that theycontinue to use processes that bring some relief, some of the time. The best part is that most doctors do not even know why many of these treatments sometimes work really! Back pain specialists recognize that ischemia of muscle and nerve tissue, the most common cause for all sorts of painful backs. Many took treatments to increase cellular oxygenation and provides short-term relief of symptoms from the pain. This is the reason why some treatments offer symptomaticImprovement, even though the reasons for the exemption to defy logic. This is also the reason why most treatments have little or no effect and even surgical correction often deteriorates not cure the condition.

Pain in lower back only to appropriate treatment. Therapies that are incorrectly identified himself to a cause can not heal the pain. The blame innocent and completely normal spinal conditions for long-term symptoms and leads to absurd results that we are subjected to inhumane treatmentto see if the study of the experiences of most patients with chronic pain. Available only through the adoption of a logical explanation for lower back pain will of the patient's long-term relief. Ischemia is a gradual process that works behind the scenes, so that little or no evidence of his presence. The most common cause of ischemic back pain is psychosomatic interaction between the body and the subconscious. We all know the expression that says that we take our concerns on the back. Well, inthis case, the great philosophers of old were quite literally. Now the idea is why modern medicine is powerless to prevent low back pain from ruining lives, make much more sense. After all, the medical industry generally deny the psychosomatic process when it comes to the cause of back pain. This is particularly hypocritical, as the psychosomatic process is the generally accepted cause of other, less profitable conditions in the entire spectrum of health care ...

Is it just about money? Isit is pride? Is the medical industry want to accept myths rather than simply disseminate the mark progress against a known destroyer of life? When it comes to low back pain, I'll leave it to you to decide ...

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