Wednesday, March 31, 2010 1-310-895-3391 Nir Cohen Agel | FLX | Arthritis | Joint Pain Relief golf Arthritis pain relief Chondroitin Glucosamine MSN Celadrin™ FLX Healthy joints can help you maintain an active lifestyle. Joint pain from exercise and the normal activities of an active life can be a big annoyance, which is why maintaining healthy joints is so essential. Four supplements for healthy joints. There are four supplements touted for their healthful effects on joints: Chondroitin Sulfate is a part of a large protein molecule that gives cartilage elasticity. Glucosamine is an amino sugar that is believed to assist in cartilage formation and repair and in the lubrication of the joints. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a biologically available form of sulfur shown to be effective at supporting joint health. And Celadrin™ is a proprietary combination of cetylated fatty acids that has been shown to promote joint health and reduce minor or temporary pain due to the normal activities of an active life.* There are many pills that contain one or even two of these supplements. But FLX contains all four. All natural for an active lifestyle. All four of these ingredients are derived from natural sources, which means that the most effective help for healthy joints might be found right in nature and, more conveniently, in easy-to-swallow, easy-to-carry gel packs. In other words, it's a simple way to keep your joints healthy for an active lifestyle. What can FLX do for you? Here are just a ...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Un singolo estratto dall'ultimo album della Dogo Gang.... Testo: Io vi rimbalzo voi e le signorie vostre come la palla del punchball delle giostre questi fanno le pose queste fanno le spose io li rimbalzo come una con le sue cose l'etichetta zio vorrebbe pulirmi ma non si può non mi tolgono sta faccia nemmeno col photoshop quando a carnevale tua mamma ti vestiva da zorro io ero già in giro per la strada vestito da zarro zio con tutta la gang frà entro in tuta alla festa e vi rimbalzo faccio si si con la testa bevo tutto ad un getto provo frasi ad effetto sbiascicando le dico:"bella voglio portarti a letto" sono fuori per le tipe col doppio cognome con il nome esotico e quelle che non sò il nome frà fuori per quella scalza quella col reggicalza e nessuna mi rimbalza zio (boin boing boin boing) Rit. Jake La Furia: Io non li guardo amici (boing) io non lo ascolto Emilio (boing) rimbalzo quel che dici (boing) rimbalzo il tuo consiglio (boing) sono fuori controllo (boing) e la testa rimbalza (boing) finchè si spezza il collo (boing boing boing boing) a scrocco nel privè (boing) non vado su novella (boing) esco con la soubret (boing) poi rimbalzo anche quella (boing) sono fuori controllo (boing) e la testa rimbalza (boing) finchè si spezza il collo (boing boing boing boing) Guè Pequeno: Frà ti suono al concerto suono al metal detector sono il boss di me stesso non mi metto l'ombretto vuoi tirare il grilletto ma sei solo un valletto c'è chi mi dà rispetto certi mi danno un etto ...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I know from experience of sitting at work all day in front of the computer, it can be hard to sit properly and you can often curved at the end, which over time give you back pain.

Why is slouching bad?

When you spend your day sitting on a desk a few things happen at the end of your spine and back muscles shuffled.

1. Slouching causes your back muscles in an unnatural position to do so for a long does that keep the muscles. weaken

2. Slouching also harms the vertebrae of the spine, press the windows to the outside in the back. In the worst case, this can) to the herniated disk (herniated disk cause that is the case of a nerve and cause sciatica.

Back Pain Prevention

A simple solution is crooked, always sitting in your chair, make sure that your hips are up to the back of the chair, leaning slightly to the back of the chair.

If the chair is concave then a solution is a placesmall cushion into the space between the lower back and the chair, will receive the optimal sitting position, rather than reflected back on the curved back of the chair.

Lumbar Rolls

Another practical solution to improving your posture is to use a lumbar roll. Essentially a lumbar roll is a cylinder of foam that you at your seat. This gives support in the lumbar region of your back and help improve your posture while sitting on a chairlong period.

How do I use a lumbar roll

A lumbar role should sit just below the belt line along the top edge of the sacroiliac joint at the base of the spine and make sure you sit in the lumbar roll and do not forward or there will be no consequences to be laid.

When to use a lumbar roll

The major sites that have a lumbar roll should be used on your desk and your car seat.

When you sit at your desk

*Use a lumbar roll, as described above

* Sit down with your ass all the way on the back of the seat.

* Enter your seat close to the desk to move so that you naturally sit bent upwards instead of forwards.

* Make sure that your monitor is at the right height, you should not look down at the monitor.

If you are driving

* Use a lumbar roll when you're on the road.

* Make sure that your hips are so far back in the seat as possible.

* Bring your seat so thatYou do not have the bike leaning forward.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

There's nothing like a bad back or muscle strain to put a crimp in your style. Sometimes the problem by over-exertion in the garden or on the playing field is created. The symptoms can be annoying, but bearable. Another time, a pinched nerve, bulging disc, or displaced sacroiliac you writhing in pain and unable to move.

Some medications, such as the cholesterol-lowering drugs can Baycol, Lipitor, Lopid, Mevacor, Pravachol and Zocor, causeMuscle pain and weakness in rare cases. This can be called into a life of gymnastics disease thabdomyolysis allowed if the progress.

Of course, a severe back or muscle pain requires immediate medical attention and should not be treated with herbs or home remedies. The proposals we have offered are for small pains that occur when we abuse our body or not exercise intelligently.

Home Remedies:


Muscle sprains and strains oftenrespond best to (rest, ice, compression and elevation) RICE. If you've ever seen wounded college or professional athlete, you are often on an ice pack on a sore ankle, knee or shoulder. If you do not have a cold pack in the freezer, grad a bag of frozen peas. Many people keep a bag of frozen peas in the freezer just for this occasion.

Place a towel between your skin. If you have the patience, use an ice pack on for fifteen minutes per hour during the day. If you do so, for 2 or3 days after an injury you how good the cold controls the pain and inflammation and helps speed recovery be surprised.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Es un desafío liderar a quienes fueron mis supervisores" Cuando en 1981 Enrique Alemañy ingresó como analista en Ford no sabía si iba a llegar a supervisor. Sin embargo, desde 2005 es el presidente de la compañía. Hoy lidera a profesionales que fueron sus jefes. Y, entre otras cosas, cuenta a cómo resistió con éxito las crisis. Era apenas un analista cuando Ford, la empresa en la que trabajaba hacía seis años, y Volkswagen decidieron fusionarse y crear una nueva compañía, Autolatina Argentina. Sin embargo, el tuvo la "suerte" de formar parte de ese selecto grupo que realizó la evaluación para la creación del joint-venture, lo que le permitió en tan sólo cuatro meses conocer el negocio por completo. Reconoce que el haber estado siempre en las áreas más estratégicas lo ayudó a llegar a donde llegó: lejos. Más información en

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Chauffe-eau Paris 75 Chauffe-eau Paris 0 800 300 150 Urgence dépannage Tel 01 40 09 72 12 Artisan plombier, spécialisés en chauffe-eau sur Paris, nous proposons tous services pour votre installation d'eau chaude, sur la capitale et toute la région parisienne, Ile de France. Pour un dépannage, nous intervenons en urgence sur simple appel téléphonique. Profitez de notre numéro vert pour nous appeler gratuitement pour un dépannage non-urgent, ou un entretien. Si votre chauffe-eau a atteint un état de vétusté suffisant pour qu'il y ait une surconsommation de gaz, ou d'électricité, ou qu'il y ait des pièces défectueuses en quantité, nous pouvons procéder à son changement et à l'installation de votre nouveau chauffe-eau sur Paris. Devis gratuit sans engagement pour toute intervention et dépannage sur sur Paris Nous n'intervenons qu'après votre accord signé sur un devis. Celui-ci est gratuit, demandez nous une estimation avant toute intervention sur votre chauffe-eau ! Installation et dépannage de chauffe-eau sur Paris 75 et région parisienne 77 78 91 92 93 94 95 Nous installons chez vous à domicile votre installaton de production d'eau chaude, nous nous fournissons auprès des plus grandes marques : Chaffotaux et Maury, De Dietrich , elm legrand, Fleck, Lemercier, Pacific, Rheem, Thermor Nous réalisons si besoin les petits travaux de maçonnerie nécessaire à l'installation. Chauffe eau Dépannage Chauffe-eau Paris 75 dépannage installation chauffe-eau dépannage chauffe-eau ...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mixtape sa dostane do predaja v najbližších dňoch a ten, kto bude mať originál (poprípade ten, čo si to ripne atď.. veď všetci vieme, ako to bohužial chodí), bude mať k dispozícii aj jeden doteraz nezverejnený joint navyše. V každom prípade, na tape nájdete okrem spomínanej dvojice aj hostí v podobe Decka, Danosťa, Opaka, pantaua, Atakera a aj dja Mika, ktorý sa spolu s autorom mixu Metysom postaral o pár skrečov. Mater-Ludia odchádzaju Feat.Opak mater ludia odchadzaju feat opak

Friday, March 19, 2010

As the number of baby boomers grow at a rapid pace, the rate of people who deal with sacroiliac joint pain. Sacroiliac joint pain affects a growing number of people. So, what is Sacroiliac joint pain? What are the causes? And what is the best way to prevent or cure?

Sacroiliac joint pain is usually uncomfortable, which is centrally located in the lower back and hip area. Severe cases of> Sacroiliac Back pain can in the legs and lower. Subluxation of the joint is a common cause of joint pain. This can be defined as a partial relocation of the affected bone, which ligament hyperextension. For obvious reasons, these areas are prone to inflammation and discomfort. This inflammation can through a series of questions. Trauma to these areas, genetics, disease, infection or even excessive stress can all cause joint pain. Thisultimately affects surrounding tissue as well as the actual ligament. As a result, swelling causes severe pressure on the surrounding nerves, which are to joint pain. These areas vulnerable to pain when compared to other areas of the body. This is because these areas are often surrounded by nerves. These nerves are connected and in the legs and hips, which often extends to the spread of inflammation and pain, or.

Some of the identifiers and symptoms inJoint pain causes can determine those vague. Lower back pain are identified as the cause, especially if the pain is spreading to other areas. Again increased pain due to small movements, coughing, sneezing or other minute are often a good indicator. Weaknesses in the affected area, numbness or stiffness are also symptoms of back pain. If this is the case, you should seek medical advice from a qualified doctor who specializes in arthritis and related health risks Ask. For the do it your self, it is important that you not attempt to diagnose, himself. Serious health problems require serious treatment, or at least analysis. Delaying the dreaded visit to a doctor will only prolong your pain and treatment. The more proactive you are the faster you can return to normal.

There are still many uncertainties when it causes pain to the sacroiliac joint. It is yet to be determined if the pain is a result of the area around the> Joint or ligaments. The sacroiliac joint irritation may be caused by anything from rheumatoid arthritis, gout. If you are experiencing pain in my lower back. It is recommended that you sit down with a qualified doctor, which may cause joint pain. Can be determined by joint pain causes you to cooperate with certain city proper treatment be administered. This may also include exercises such as yoga, which has led a number of successful results.Medication to control the elimination or reduction of inflammation. Or herbal preparations that could prove suitable for the elimination of back pain. A specialist will help with the emphasis on joint matters and can offer guidance.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The reason for back pains, ischias, piriformis syndrome, disc herniations/degenerations and spinal problems is sacroiliac joint subluxation/dislocation/syndrome/dysfunction. It causes also back muscle spasms, groin/hip/knee/ankle/achilles/feet problems,...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A comlex and rare pattern of "acroiliac joint dysfunction" and symphysis pubis dysfunction contributing to symptoms of severe constant itch in a pudendal pattern. distinct positive response to intervention to balance pelvic structure and restore normative passive accessory motion and tone in the igaments. This is a pattern Jerry hesch has discvered. It involves palpation of the lower pubic bones and the lower ischium posteriorly, and the medial portions of the ischia. These areas unfortunately, are not palpated wth the traditional "sacroiliac joint dsfunction" model. As this was the first visit, another video wil be posted to cover a very interesting pattern of the SIJ and symphysis pubis, whih made a big difference on the 2nd visit.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are you one of those people who are diagnosed with ankylosing spondylosis have? If you are, or if you know someone who has it, then you have what ankylosing spondylosis is to be informed, what are its causes and symptoms, and how can you be diagnosed with the disease.

Ankylosing spondylosis is a form of arthritis that affects the spine and the joints of the arms and legs. It is concerned mainly the sacroiliac joint. The sacroiliac joint, whichlocated on the lower back is where to take the sacrum and the bones on both sides of the buttock. Spondylosis causes pain and stiffness to this area of the body and the spine itself. Spondylitis can lead to the fusion of the vertebrae, which are to immobility of the spine. Apart from a chronic disease, ankylosing Sponylitis as a systemic disease. It is likely that this disease of the spine can affect other tissues of the body, allowing inflammation to other joints,and also to other organs of the body.

How common is ankylosing spondylosis? In the United States alone, it affects 129 of 100,000 people. Men and women are affected, but the disease more often in men as they twice occur in men than in women. Age of onset is usually in the 40s.

What causes ankylosing spondylosis? There is no known specific cause for this disease. However, research shows that there is a genetic component to its development. A geneHLA-B27 have been associated with the disease up to 90% of people who suffer from spondylosis this gene are associated, and 10 to 15% of those who inherit this gene is likely to develop the disease. So, what are its symptoms?

Under constant pain in my lower back and hip.
The suffering from stiffness in the lower back or hip.
Pain is felt especially after a period to be inactive (if) from the bed, as a classic example.
The pain stops when you move, or if youhave a warm shower.
For advanced stages of spondylosis:
Observing constant stooping.
The suffering of rigid spine.
Getting tired easily.
Significant unintended weight loss.
Difficulty breathing.
Pain in the eyes especially when the bright lights.

Whether the symptoms appear mild when you should look at itself in order to have symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Why? It is because an early diagnosis and treatment and prevent further complicationsDamage to your body. Treatment also reduces the pain caused by the disease. If you go to the doctor, you can expect to undergo X-rays, CT or MRI. A blood test is also performed as part of the diagnostic tests.

Remember ankylosis spondylosis, a disease that needed to be diagnosed and treated early as possible. Knowing the symptoms and about the above information will be of great help.

Monday, March 15, 2010

I am documenting my diagnosis and recovery for a year and a half chronic low back problem i believe is SIJD.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A comlex and rare pattern of "acroiliac joint dysfunction" and symphysis pubis dysfunction contributing to symptoms of severe constant itch in a pudendal pattern. distinct positive response to intervention to balance pelvic structure and restore normative passive accessory motion and tone in the igaments. This is a pattern Jerry hesch has discvered. It involves palpation of the lower pubic bones and the lower ischium posteriorly, and the medial portions of the ischia. These areas unfortunately, are not palpated wth the traditional "sacroiliac joint dsfunction" model. As this was the first visit, another video wil be posted to cover a very interesting pattern of the SIJ and symphysis pubis, which made a big difference on the 2nd visit. As this was the first visit, another video wil be posted to cover a very interesting pattern of the SIJ and symphysis pubis, whih made a big difference on the 2nd visit.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What is the
Unilateral repetitive exercise is an isolated movement of the skeleton, with a very limited number of muscles (including any other), repeated dozens, hundreds, thousands, and eventually reach back millions of times and always in the hope of health and fitness. "Unilateral" refers to the linear one-dimensional aspect of the movements.

As mentioned above, are examples: running, cycling, strength training machines and countless filling every gymthroughout the country. Each of these activities are working a few muscles, many exceeding the joints and hinges. Golf also falls into this category, the literal one-sided nature of this activity is obvious. Over time, as a result of increasingly turned to the body and rotated to one side, there are subtle shifts in the gross structure, as the neck, shoulder, arm, make known, SI joint, low, middle or upper back, hips, etc. .. pain.

The risk
The risk ofone-sided repetitive exercise is the first concept, what with the muscles and the skeleton, if understood you work.

All the muscles (I'm using muscles generic here if it really) any soft tissue, bones, muscles, all universal joints associated bone. When is a muscle, under load it will be better utilized. In the wake of growing together, and they bulk up, becoming shorter and thick. Therefore, we can see the rounded, well-defined muscles of a bodybuilder. Theseshortened, bulked-up, tight muscles now pull the 2 (or more) bones in order to invite them closer together. Because there is always more than one crossing of a given muscle-joint, the joint is compressed, not symmetrical, always asymmetrical.

It is this asymmetric compression of joints and hinges of the skeleton that all related problems and symptoms of structural aging results (distortion). This includes, but is not limited to: general stiffness and pain, lack ofMobility, decreased energy / it's harder to move, stress / strains / tears in the soft tissues, cartilage degradation, damage to windows, and all other structural injuries.

Unilateral repetitive exercise creates tight muscles, but they are only a symptom of the problem. When the skeleton is torn orientation, out of balance, decreasing the quality of movement changes and the possibilities of movement in kind. The harder one trains, or works is the faster this process sped along;a wonderful example of a vicious circle, or a step forward and two steps back.

This phenomenon can be observed in the legs, a runner. Running is a one-sided repetitive exercise, over time, turn the legs out of alignment, asymmetrically compressing the feet, ankles, knees, hip, joint and back pain for starters. Even with an untrained eye you can look hard at the legs of the runners and you will see this obvious bias in the work.

Try it with a runner orCyclists: Insert the medial arches of the feet into a hip width (not too wide) and parallel (with each other are). Slowly to his knees and looking to go where the knee. Every knee will point toward the other foot. This clearly shows the degree of distortion that get very bad turn with every step taken, the leg more from the mold and affect them directly and charge the lower back and sacroiliac joint. It's not all, can not stop,because you can not drag a portion of said structure (or more precisely, the fascial web) out of place without disturbing the rest.

Try this: Wrap a piece of your shirt around your finger and watch what happens through the rest of the tissue could you imagine watching the whole shirt under a microscope, if you do so. This is done by the whole body, in every conceivable direction, moment to moment magnified and compounded by all the exercise, and above all, repetitiveExercises.

We may believe, relieve us from any responsibility, that breaches have emerged, such as illness, is something that simply happens to us. That we are quite good, cruising along, does nothing wrong, and then we will just hurt, like winning an anti-lottery. We do not get, "" a violation not more than we "get" a disease, we create them through concentrated neglect and abuse of our bodies. They are the culmination of symptoms testament to the natural laws that we clearly exceeded,in either our ignorance or our naivete.

When I talk about injuries here, I am not referring to impact injury, I went to injuries resulting from structural distortion causing chronic muscle strains and pulls and related degenerated joints and the tissue around them. These are the constant companions of the athletes who remain in stressful (there are usually, but not limited to, repetitive movement) and never realized functional flexibility in his (her) own body. The treatment of these symptomswith surgery, medication or further strengthening (shortening) exercise is a quick fix at best, with questionable results and, ultimately, the only connection to the original problem.

The missing link in all activities is rife in our culture is the flexibility. Flexibility is not only the body's ability to move in strange, rubbery manner. The main reason you want to achieve and maintain flexibility, because it reverses the distortion of the skeleton caused by over-shortening of muscles andthe poor, beaten decompress joints.

Done properly, the real flexibility of work aimed distorted skeleton asymmetric decompress compressed joints, and takes the stress and pressures from the soft tissue. It re-hydrates cartilage abused, you rinse it out and fluffing it. It opens channels of fluid and energy flow is blocked. It synchronizes all aspects of your being, to bring healing to take place at any level with ease.

Does this sound like conventional extends toYou? Well, it's not. Some other ways of working with the body is required, something that will do all the above, and much more.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Instructional video of a manual therapy for eliminating adhesive scar tissue from the superficial posterior sacroiliac ligaments. This is an excerpt from the Low Back DVD series by Dr. Ben Benjamin. Visit Dr. Benjamin's website for articles on sacral ligament injuries: or a trailer of the full DVD series:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ankylosing Spondylitis is a form of arthritis, the joints of the spine. The chronic inflammation causes the bones of the spine grow together. It affects men as much as three times more than women do. It is rare for people to compromise on the age of 40 years old and generally affects people aged 15 to 30 years. Ankylosing Spondylitis usually refers to the place where the spine joins the pelvis. It leads to swelling and pain of the spine, and back the causesStiffness. It can lead to stooped posture.

In severe cases of ankylosing spondylitis can cause inflammation of the spine - fuse the spinal joints - to. This may restrict the mobility of people suffer from it. The inflammation causes that can be pain and swelling at the heels, hips, spread shin, ribs, shoulder blades, and thighs.

Up to this condition, were generally regarded as ankylosing spondylitis are known in the early 1970s, it was considered a variableSpondylitis, Marie-Strumpells spondylitis, poker over the years back.

The signs of ankylosing spondylitis

How about all types of arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, acts differently on different people. Some suffer from back pain volatile, while others face severe pain in the back, the stiffness of the spine. Many people go through a cycle of extreme pain, and the adoption, at regular intervals.

If a severe back pain, deep in the back,seems to occur suddenly, it is one of the signs of the occurrence of ankylosing spondylitis. The symptoms are:

o the back pain lasts for months at a time

o occurs in the course of the night

o The stiffness in the back is done in the morning and after rest

o It is the pain in the heels, hips, shins, ribs, shoulder blades, and upper thighs and the bony parts of the spine

o pain in the eyes, blurred vision, sensitivity to light

. .. These are some of the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis is usually worst in the morning after waking up. The stiffness in the body may decreases as much as a few hours.

The affected joints

The inflammation of ankylosing spondylitis to be checked at the earliest. The odds are good, and that is the bone growth is a bridge to the other vertebrae, which stiffness and loss of mobility of the spine. Of the 24 vertebrae in theSpine can cause stiffness in two movements are restricted, and is affected with more vertebrae by the severity of the disability increases.

If ankylosing spondylitis begins to affect the hips and knees to the obstruction may be severe. The sacroiliac joints - the joints in the buttocks - are affected, as a rule, together with the center of the back and neck. Although this form of arthritis, the joints of the little hands and feet are affected joints and ankles, the hips are generallyare affected, along with the shoulders and knees.

Together with the spine, ankylosing spondylitis also causes stiffness of the joints between the spine and ribs, and between the ribs and sternum.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rockový minifesťák na kraváku, kde jsme si užili kradených třešní, filozofického vína a jiných jedů.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The spine is divided into two main parts;
1. The spine
2. Back muscle

The spine is a bone formed as a vortex.

This vortex is divided into five bones, which are divided:

1. Neck bones: they are also known as cervical and seven in number, you are usually assigned as follows: C1, C2, C3 ... C7.

2. Sternum: they are also called thoracic vertebrae and twelve in number, you will be awarded as follows; T1, T2, T3 ... T12.

3. WaistBones: they are also called lumbar vertebrae are five in number, you will be awarded as follows; L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 respectively.

4. Sacrum Bone: they are also called sacral vertebra, but five in number and fused. They are awarded as follows, S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 respectively.

5. Coccyx: You are below the waist, hips found region. They are four in number and these four bones are jointly determined.

These vortices are connected by the facet joints. Discseparate the vertebrae, the discs act as cushions between the vertebrae and absorb shocks and vibrations that arise when one wants to sit, jump, walk, etc. The function to the spine in any direction they turn.

The nerves are like the branches of trees connects the brain and spinal cord, carrying messages from the brain to the muscles, limbs and organs. These nerves carry sensations such as pain and other part of the body to the brain. The spine is connectedthe sacroiliac joints at the hip by an immovable or fixed connection.

The back is a compact and great organ, the nerve has always moved. The human back is the powerhouse of the whole body, the support of the trunk and make movement of the head, arms and legs possible.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The ISG is one of the most misunderstood areas of the human body. It is the source of much controversy in the medical community for many years. Much of the debate is based on the fact that there are few reliable evaluation methods for the SI joint.

Contrary to disc injuries, which can be evaluated using many types of diagnostic tools, examining the SI joints has to be to be very unreliable. Physicians must rely primarily on their experience, rather thanused simple methods to check the lower back. Most physicians do not recognize them as a source of pain and dysfunction. So patients leave a medical office with an incomplete evaluation and often misdiagnosed.

The SI (Sacro-Iliac) joint is composed of two bones exist, the sacrum and hip bones. You have two SI joints (left and right). You are basically where the spine meets the pelvis. Look for the two dimples in the lower back. These twoJoints allow very little movement overall as compared to other more prominent joints such as hip or shoulder. The pelvic girdle is generally regarded as the two SI joints, the symphysis (pubic described earlier), the two hip joints, and the two lower vertebrae (L4 and L5).

What do you feel?

Pain localized in the vicinity SI joint on one side or both sides. Pain in the lower back, buttocks removed and / or genital area. Another common symptom of aSI dysfunction is "sciatica". Sciatica is often best described as a sharp, stabbing pain that starts in the buttocks and goes down the back of a leg described. SI dysfunction can also cause nerve irritation of the nerves, the groin or front of the thigh book.

Other symptoms include:

o Weakness in one leg or both legs, difficulty in standing on one leg and raising the other leg (like marching)

o numbness or tingling in one leg (pins &Needles)

o A burning pain in the vicinity of the dimples is "

o Difficulty raising from a chair

o Muscle discomfort in the buttock, hip or back pain (more than 30 muscles of the pelvis, the hips, buttocks, thighs, lower back pain.

How does this happen?

SI Dysfunction is usually caused by an imbalance in the muscles of the hips and buttocks and it can also be caused by a fall or other traumatic event such as a traffic accident.

A condition knownas "hypermobility" may also predispose an individual to SI joint dysfunction. "Hypermobility" is a condition in which the joints have described too much mobility. This condition usually affects women more than men. Various hormone levels in women, specifically "relaxin", can influence hypermobility. This hormone is released to the body prepares for pregnancy, and the blood changes throughout pregnancy process. It causes mainly the tapes to "relax"occur and thus for more movement in the pelvic girdle region.

The best treatment options

First, the evaluation is critical to the success of the treatment of SI dysfunction. Most disorders can be treated with manual techniques, which generally relate to "mobilization", "manipulation" or "muscle energy techniques". These techniques are applied, have a qualified physician, as a physiotherapist. These techniques may prove to beHelpful entered in the appropriate following a comprehensive evaluation.

Once appropriate manual techniques have been administered to implement a comprehensive training program to address the following areas, in particular muscular imbalances:

o stabilize the lumbar spine program: strengthening the abdominal and gluteal muscles

o improve the flexibility in the muscles of the lower extremity

In some cases, only a detailed training program is that the muscle imbalances addresses. You canFor more information about how to identify and address your muscle imbalances by visiting

Some SI joint dysfunctions may linger for months or even years. Remember, if you operate in a current treatment plan with little or no improvement, seek other options. If you think you may have an SI dysfunction is the first step to a specialist to find qualified and experienced in the treatment of muscular imbalances.

Una interpretación poco currada de la cara que pondría si algún dia lluviese matuja en nuestro municipio,jaja!!!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Ankylosing Spondylitis is an ongoing inflammation of the ISG joints and spine. Sacroilac joints are located in the lower back, with the sacrum or the bone, directly above the tailbone meets the pelvic bone or the bones are in both sides of the upper buttocks. Constant inflammation in these areas will result in any case, severe pain and immobility in and around the spine. Finally, ongoing inflammation of the spine or most known as spondylitis can lead to aabsolute or an absolute fusion of the spine cemented together. This is a process, also known as ankylosis, the exact causes of loss of mobility of the spine called.

Ankylosing spondylitis is also known as a systematic disease which means that it is probably known to other tissues throughout the body. For this reason, it can also cause injury or inflammation in other joints and other organs, which include the lungs, eyes, heart and kidneys. This disease shares, it includes several featureswith many different diseases such as arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis associated with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and reactive arthritis. These conditions can cause arthritic diseases and irritations in the spine and other joints, skin, mouth, and various organs.

This disease is also considered as one of many rheumatic diseases, as it can get symptoms, the joints and muscles are used. It is more common to men than women, since womenJoints are affected by the spine are more common in men. So it can all meet, regardless of their age and does not exempt children. If your second and third decade of life, then you are more susceptible to this disease. Nevertheless, having a disease, especially in these days can cause too many complications, so if you know to avoid some efficient way to get it then you have to do it a point that no matter what.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Once you've reached the point of rehabilitation for Achilles tendon injury, you get more than 80% of the road. You may even believe that your Achilles will be refunded in full. Your treatment so far have stopped the swelling and bleeding, and it may have reduced the amount of scar tissue in the Achilles tendon and calf muscles. But there is another important thing to do.

The last 20% is the most important aspect to your complete recovery. If you ever get from a sports injurybe in the past, you know how annoying it is to believe you again, and then out-of-the-blue, you're injured again and back where you started. It is one of the most frustrating and heart-breaking cycles an athlete or anyone else for that matter, can pass through.

Achilles tendon injury Active Rehabilitation

Most people will at this stage of your recovery as the active phase of rehabilitation, because during this phase, you will be responsible for the cleanProcess. They are the exercises and activities necessary to the speed of your complete recovery.

The goal of this phase of your Achilles tendon injury rehabilitation is to all the components of fitness were lost because of injury. Regaining your flexibility, strength, muscular endurance, balance and coordination is the primary focus. Without this phase of your rehabilitation, there is no hope of completely and permanently making a full recovery.

Thefirst point to make clear is how important it is to stay active. Often the advice of doctors and medical personnel will be similarly easy, calm. This can be one of the worst things you can do. Without some form of activity the injured area does not receive the blood flow required for recovery. An active market is both the oxygen and nutrients to the injury are necessary to enable them to heal.

Warning: never, never, never an activity that your Achilles hurts. Of course you canit comes with some discomfort, but never force themselves to the point where you are feeling pain. Be very careful about doing an activity that you take. Pain is a warning sign, they do not ignore it.

Achilles tendon injury recovery: Range of Motion

Regain a full range of motion of your ankle and Achilles is the first priority in this phase of rehabilitation. A full range of motion is very important because it lays the foundation for more intensive andchallenging exercises later in the active rehabilitation.

When working through the initial phases of recovery and begin to heal your Achilles starts to introduce some very gentle movements. First bends and stretches the ankles, then as you get more comfortable with this simple movement, you begin to incorporate some rotation exercises. Turn your ankles from side to side, and rotate clockwise and counterclockwise.

If you are with these areas of motion exercisesand run it is relatively painless, it's time to move on to the next stage of active rehabilitation for an Achilles tendon injury to: strengthen and stretch.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mixtape sa dostane do predaja v najbližších dňoch a ten, kto bude mať originál (poprípade ten, čo si to ripne atď.. veď všetci vieme, ako to bohužial chodí), bude mať k dispozícii aj jeden doteraz nezverejnený joint navyše. V každom prípade, na tape nájdete okrem spomínanej dvojice aj hostí v podobe Decka, Danosťa, Opaka, pantaua, Atakera a aj dja Mika, ktorý sa spolu s autorom mixu Metysom postaral o pár skrečov. Mater-Velke ryby mater velke ryby toto je rep!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Short Duration High-intensity workout for a triathlete. Focus is on Increasing flexibility through the hip joint and SI joint. As well as increasing overall strength and core stability to address issues with running economy. Secondary goal to improve on Lactate threshold and aerobic capacity. Workout was individually tailored based on a functional movement screen and incorporates tailored "resistance stretches" to retrain muscular holding pattern. www.metaboliceffect.comken Bush Trained by Jade Teta