Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are you one of those people who are diagnosed with ankylosing spondylosis have? If you are, or if you know someone who has it, then you have what ankylosing spondylosis is to be informed, what are its causes and symptoms, and how can you be diagnosed with the disease.

Ankylosing spondylosis is a form of arthritis that affects the spine and the joints of the arms and legs. It is concerned mainly the sacroiliac joint. The sacroiliac joint, whichlocated on the lower back is where to take the sacrum and the bones on both sides of the buttock. Spondylosis causes pain and stiffness to this area of the body and the spine itself. Spondylitis can lead to the fusion of the vertebrae, which are to immobility of the spine. Apart from a chronic disease, ankylosing Sponylitis as a systemic disease. It is likely that this disease of the spine can affect other tissues of the body, allowing inflammation to other joints,and also to other organs of the body.

How common is ankylosing spondylosis? In the United States alone, it affects 129 of 100,000 people. Men and women are affected, but the disease more often in men as they twice occur in men than in women. Age of onset is usually in the 40s.

What causes ankylosing spondylosis? There is no known specific cause for this disease. However, research shows that there is a genetic component to its development. A geneHLA-B27 have been associated with the disease up to 90% of people who suffer from spondylosis this gene are associated, and 10 to 15% of those who inherit this gene is likely to develop the disease. So, what are its symptoms?

Under constant pain in my lower back and hip.
The suffering from stiffness in the lower back or hip.
Pain is felt especially after a period to be inactive (if) from the bed, as a classic example.
The pain stops when you move, or if youhave a warm shower.
For advanced stages of spondylosis:
Observing constant stooping.
The suffering of rigid spine.
Getting tired easily.
Significant unintended weight loss.
Difficulty breathing.
Pain in the eyes especially when the bright lights.

Whether the symptoms appear mild when you should look at itself in order to have symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Why? It is because an early diagnosis and treatment and prevent further complicationsDamage to your body. Treatment also reduces the pain caused by the disease. If you go to the doctor, you can expect to undergo X-rays, CT or MRI. A blood test is also performed as part of the diagnostic tests.

Remember ankylosis spondylosis, a disease that needed to be diagnosed and treated early as possible. Knowing the symptoms and about the above information will be of great help.

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