Ankylosing Spondylitis is an ongoing inflammation of the ISG joints and spine. Sacroilac joints are located in the lower back, with the sacrum or the bone, directly above the tailbone meets the pelvic bone or the bones are in both sides of the upper buttocks. Constant inflammation in these areas will result in any case, severe pain and immobility in and around the spine. Finally, ongoing inflammation of the spine or most known as spondylitis can lead to aabsolute or an absolute fusion of the spine cemented together. This is a process, also known as ankylosis, the exact causes of loss of mobility of the spine called.
Ankylosing spondylitis is also known as a systematic disease which means that it is probably known to other tissues throughout the body. For this reason, it can also cause injury or inflammation in other joints and other organs, which include the lungs, eyes, heart and kidneys. This disease shares, it includes several featureswith many different diseases such as arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis associated with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and reactive arthritis. These conditions can cause arthritic diseases and irritations in the spine and other joints, skin, mouth, and various organs.
This disease is also considered as one of many rheumatic diseases, as it can get symptoms, the joints and muscles are used. It is more common to men than women, since womenJoints are affected by the spine are more common in men. So it can all meet, regardless of their age and does not exempt children. If your second and third decade of life, then you are more susceptible to this disease. Nevertheless, having a disease, especially in these days can cause too many complications, so if you know to avoid some efficient way to get it then you have to do it a point that no matter what.
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