Wednesday, January 13, 2010

There are many causes of neck pain, back pain, sciatica and nerve pain or sciatica in adults and children. We discussed back strains and sprains in a previous article and are now discussing other serious illnesses and their symptoms. The conditions are herniated disc intervertebral disc (IVD), cervical radiculopathy and spondylolithesis, sometimes with spondylolysis. The spine itself is made from 33 bones as vertebrae and extends from the skull to the pelvis. The neck orCervical vertebrae are formed Seven bones articulate with the atlas (come into contact) with the skull, vertebrae span the region from the seventh cervical vertebra of the lumbar vertebrae are the first of five large, in rare cases together six sturdy vertebrae at the base of the spine. The sacrum, which sits often referred to as the tailbone at the base of the spine, together with the coccyx (the tailbone true), and is also part of the basin, bringing togetherthe two halves of the sacroiliac joints. We are the division of SIG and the associated symptoms in a later article. Between each two vertebrae, there is a disc and disc, or IVD, which consists of cartilage and a jelly-like center, not unlike a jelly donut. The IVD is used not only as a shock absorber for the spine, but the whole body. If something happens to this support system, this shock absorber, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, and evenNerve pain, sciatica, usually takes place.

As already mentioned, and in a previous article, there are many causes of neck pain, back pain and sciatica. We have been experiencing back pain and sciatica as a result of the tensions and treat back sprains, we are now dealing with the symptoms of herniated discs (IVD), cervical radiculopathy, and spondylolisthesis. The region of the spine due to trauma and / or herniated discs affected is usually dictate what kind of symptoms, the neck and back pain sufferer. Experience If the cause of the pain is centered in the neck area, we often experience what is commonly referred to as "pain in the neck" means. Cervical pain may also affect the shoulder and arm, into his own hands, with pain, tingling and numbness. The BWS symptoms are usually difficult to grasp are. Symptoms in this area can be used as a stiffness, chest pain, back pain radiating laterally be expressed and / or even the feeling that you're back has broken ". InLumbar region, usually the most affected by disc herniation and spondylolisthesis (L5 most of all), then back pain can either be localized in the lower back, often above the iliac crest or hip bright, or it can be in pain over the buttocks Express radiates to one or both legs. Generally this is) on the nerve roots pressure for a variety of reasons, which ruptured discs, bulging discs, stenosis include (constriction of the nerve canals, and is referred to as sciatic nerve painor sciatica.

In the cervical spine, cervical radiculopathy is one of the main causes of neck pain. The condition can be caused by anything from a broken pane of the normal degenerative changes in the discs, as we age. Age-progressive deterioration is a consequence of aging, discussed particularly in relation to the secondary curvature of the spine, the cervical and lumbar spine (in a previous article). Once again, the primary symptom is pain that radiates from the neck to theShoulders and arms, also affect the breast in some people. It is not uncommon to deafness and even a tingling in the hands and fingers, something like your hand fall asleep. Treatments for cervical radiculopathy can be anti-inflammatory drugs (eg ibuprofen), corticosteroid injections, ice and physical therapy. Since the cervical spine is so important, not only in relation to the movement, but also for regulating basic body functions, it is important to see froma doctor if the pain was still more than 24 to 48 hours. The only way to diagnose this condition is determined by X-ray, MRI and / or computed tomography. Delaying medical treatment it can lead to serious and permanent damage.

Spondylolysis can be caused by many things and usually affects the lumbar spine. The vortices are most exposed L4 and L5, at the base of the spine, but also other regions of the spine may also be affected. Some of the clauses for spondylolisthesis are trauma,usually either a stress fracture or impact due to a sports injury in adolescents and sometimes adults. In addition, the vertebrae break as a result of infection or disease. Spondylolisthesis may coexist with a specific condition or spondylolysis, a defect predisposing to vertebral spondylolisthesis known. Spondylolysis is a congenital defect or abnormality causing a separation of the joint surfaces, the actual joint facets (surfaces) between the vertebrae causing theVertebral body to slip forward. This condition can lead to incredible back pain, sciatica, tingling, numbness, and even loss of function. Treatment for spondylolisthesis is a reduction in activity, especially contact sports and physical labor, artificial aids, such as brackets, as a rule, if all possible discouraged by atrophy and a further weakening of the core muscles, the exercise of the core muscle group, and even back surgery, known as OP-fusion, when all otherActions fail. As mentioned in a previous article, indicated a spinal fusion procedure is equivalent to opening Pandora's Box and should be avoided if possible!

Be used during surgery to the first reaction in severe neck pain, back pain, sciatica, and for many of cervical radiculopathy and spondylolisthesis patients, especially when it is exhausted expressed with spondylolysis, now more conservative treatment is generally given before surgery. A treatment program consisting of anti-inflammatoryMedication, ice compression braces, and exercises to strengthen the core muscles, especially the abdominals, obliques, spinal erectors, and some of the larger muscles that are either out or put in the lower back. It is extremely important to listen to your body to read the signs and act early if the pain lasts longer than 48 to 72 hours with no indication of relief. There are, as we have seen above, many causes of neck pain, back pain and sciatica. InChildren and young people back pain is usually an indication of a more serious problem, a doctor's supervision should be initiated immediately. In adults, there are a variety of conditions that can cause pain in this region to be expressed. A program as defined above, is the best first step in the treatment of symptoms of neck pain, back pain and sciatica, anti-inflammatories, ice, exercise, proper shoes, pillows and support for the feet (orthotics), and even alternative medicine (eg .Acupuncture), which we cover in a later article.

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