Saturday, March 13, 2010

What is the
Unilateral repetitive exercise is an isolated movement of the skeleton, with a very limited number of muscles (including any other), repeated dozens, hundreds, thousands, and eventually reach back millions of times and always in the hope of health and fitness. "Unilateral" refers to the linear one-dimensional aspect of the movements.

As mentioned above, are examples: running, cycling, strength training machines and countless filling every gymthroughout the country. Each of these activities are working a few muscles, many exceeding the joints and hinges. Golf also falls into this category, the literal one-sided nature of this activity is obvious. Over time, as a result of increasingly turned to the body and rotated to one side, there are subtle shifts in the gross structure, as the neck, shoulder, arm, make known, SI joint, low, middle or upper back, hips, etc. .. pain.

The risk
The risk ofone-sided repetitive exercise is the first concept, what with the muscles and the skeleton, if understood you work.

All the muscles (I'm using muscles generic here if it really) any soft tissue, bones, muscles, all universal joints associated bone. When is a muscle, under load it will be better utilized. In the wake of growing together, and they bulk up, becoming shorter and thick. Therefore, we can see the rounded, well-defined muscles of a bodybuilder. Theseshortened, bulked-up, tight muscles now pull the 2 (or more) bones in order to invite them closer together. Because there is always more than one crossing of a given muscle-joint, the joint is compressed, not symmetrical, always asymmetrical.

It is this asymmetric compression of joints and hinges of the skeleton that all related problems and symptoms of structural aging results (distortion). This includes, but is not limited to: general stiffness and pain, lack ofMobility, decreased energy / it's harder to move, stress / strains / tears in the soft tissues, cartilage degradation, damage to windows, and all other structural injuries.

Unilateral repetitive exercise creates tight muscles, but they are only a symptom of the problem. When the skeleton is torn orientation, out of balance, decreasing the quality of movement changes and the possibilities of movement in kind. The harder one trains, or works is the faster this process sped along;a wonderful example of a vicious circle, or a step forward and two steps back.

This phenomenon can be observed in the legs, a runner. Running is a one-sided repetitive exercise, over time, turn the legs out of alignment, asymmetrically compressing the feet, ankles, knees, hip, joint and back pain for starters. Even with an untrained eye you can look hard at the legs of the runners and you will see this obvious bias in the work.

Try it with a runner orCyclists: Insert the medial arches of the feet into a hip width (not too wide) and parallel (with each other are). Slowly to his knees and looking to go where the knee. Every knee will point toward the other foot. This clearly shows the degree of distortion that get very bad turn with every step taken, the leg more from the mold and affect them directly and charge the lower back and sacroiliac joint. It's not all, can not stop,because you can not drag a portion of said structure (or more precisely, the fascial web) out of place without disturbing the rest.

Try this: Wrap a piece of your shirt around your finger and watch what happens through the rest of the tissue could you imagine watching the whole shirt under a microscope, if you do so. This is done by the whole body, in every conceivable direction, moment to moment magnified and compounded by all the exercise, and above all, repetitiveExercises.

We may believe, relieve us from any responsibility, that breaches have emerged, such as illness, is something that simply happens to us. That we are quite good, cruising along, does nothing wrong, and then we will just hurt, like winning an anti-lottery. We do not get, "" a violation not more than we "get" a disease, we create them through concentrated neglect and abuse of our bodies. They are the culmination of symptoms testament to the natural laws that we clearly exceeded,in either our ignorance or our naivete.

When I talk about injuries here, I am not referring to impact injury, I went to injuries resulting from structural distortion causing chronic muscle strains and pulls and related degenerated joints and the tissue around them. These are the constant companions of the athletes who remain in stressful (there are usually, but not limited to, repetitive movement) and never realized functional flexibility in his (her) own body. The treatment of these symptomswith surgery, medication or further strengthening (shortening) exercise is a quick fix at best, with questionable results and, ultimately, the only connection to the original problem.

The missing link in all activities is rife in our culture is the flexibility. Flexibility is not only the body's ability to move in strange, rubbery manner. The main reason you want to achieve and maintain flexibility, because it reverses the distortion of the skeleton caused by over-shortening of muscles andthe poor, beaten decompress joints.

Done properly, the real flexibility of work aimed distorted skeleton asymmetric decompress compressed joints, and takes the stress and pressures from the soft tissue. It re-hydrates cartilage abused, you rinse it out and fluffing it. It opens channels of fluid and energy flow is blocked. It synchronizes all aspects of your being, to bring healing to take place at any level with ease.

Does this sound like conventional extends toYou? Well, it's not. Some other ways of working with the body is required, something that will do all the above, and much more.

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